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  • #1209987


    I use enfold for all our websites and I noticed that the paralax sliders are shaking badly ONLY in safari. It looks very bad and it does this also with al the enfold examples on the kriesi website.

    Is there somethin that can be done?

    This is my example page:

    kind regards



    Hi , I have not received an answer to this ticket

    Kind regards



    your example page could not be reached in that moment.
    But when seeing the page – i suggest that it is based on the demo:

    i can only see on your page: webdesign-den-haag these images with background-attachment : fixed.
    This is something that does not work in Safari !
    Could you please read here a bit further on that topic:

    because the postion: fixed is not as buggy as the above-mentioned background-attachment: fixed in Safari
    the trick is to replace these.

    See my testpage:
    for invesitgation purpose : i have both images to show now. The jittering one is the attachment the other fixed is the pseudo-content.
    the only problem stayes on advanced layerslider.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Guenni007.
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