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  • #399396

    I would like some help styling the color of the pagination at the bottom of this page. I would like to make the border outline color of an active page
    #2c5b9c and the hover color when selecting other pages #2c5b9c Thanks!


    Hi djshortkut!

    use this for current border outline:

    span.current {
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 0px rgba(44, 91, 156, 0.2);

    The opacity is set to “0.2”, you can set it to “1”, so the color will come through much stronger.

    Use this for hover color:

    .pagination .inactive:hover {
    background: #2c5b9c !important;


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Andy.

    Thanks Andy!

    The code for the hover color works great! However, the code for the border outline on the pagination for the active page does not work. Can you please help me with this? Thanks!



    Try to use the following:

    .pagination .current {
        border: 1px solid #2c5b9c !important;



    Thanks Günter! You can close this thread.

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