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  • #475713

    When I visit the homepage of my site, the image in the advanced layer slider doesn’t load properly. I have the same problem with some of the background images in the content sections. When I reload all seems fine.

    What can I do about this problem?


    Hey mrijnders!

    Everything on the website loads perfectly for me the first time around.

    May we have a screenshot of what you’re seeing?

    Also be sure to clear browser cache then check again.




    Thanks for your response.
    I’ve made two screenshots. In the first screenshot the advanced layer slider doesn’t load and in the second screenshot there should be client logo’s between the arrows.

    Problem 1

    Problem 2



    You are most likely getting cached results, this is what I see on my end on first load: Could you try flushing your browser cache and reload a few times to see if that helps? Also make sure to disable any caching plugin.



    Thanks for your reply.

    I think it’s a caching problem then and I’m going to talk to the support team of our hosting.



    Please do so and let us know. We will keep the thread open :)




    The problem was created by a cookie consent plugin. Deactivated the plugin and it solved the problem.

    Thanks for your time.

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