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  • #1344260

    I am working on the site at
    front end pw = helpme
    to assist flood victims here in Australia

    the directory listings I am using have a Title field – this is showing up on the Map Listing but it is not showing once you click the link to view the Full Listing page
    Looking at the support forums this is often caused by the theme – I cant see any relevant settings in Enfold bit wondered if you have an info on this?

    the docs for the site say this string can be added to the template (copied to the child theme)
    <?php Sabai::_h($entity->getTitle())?>
    I have added it (line 23) but it is still no showing up

    here is the template file code

    <?php if (!$IS_EMBED) $this->Action('directory_before_single_listing', array($bundle->addon, $entity));?>
    <?php $has_photos = $entity->directory_photos && ($photos = $this->Entity_RenderField($entity, 'directory_photos'));?>
    <div id="<?php echo $id;?>" class="<?php echo $class;?> sabai-clearfix<?php if (!$has_photos):?> sabai-directory-no-image<?php endif;?>" itemscope itemtype="">
        <meta itemprop="name" content="<?php Sabai::_h($entity->getTitle());?>" />
        <link itemprop="url" href="<?php echo $this->Entity_Url($entity);?>" />
    <?php if ($labels = $this->Entity_RenderLabels($entity)):?>
        <div class="sabai-directory-labels"><?php echo $labels;?></div>
    <?php endif;?>
        <div class="sabai-row">
    <?php if ($has_photos):?>
            <div class="sabai-col-sm-4 sabai-directory-images">
                <?php echo $photos;?>
    <?php else:?>
            <link itemprop="image" href="<?php echo $this->NoImageUrl();?>" />
    <?php endif;?>
            <div class="<?php if ($has_photos):?>sabai-col-sm-8<?php else:?>sabai-col-sm-12<?php endif;?> sabai-directory-main">
    <?php if (!empty($entity->voting_rating['']['count'])):?>
                <div class="sabai-directory-rating" itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="">
                    <?php echo $this->Entity_RenderField($entity, 'voting_rating', array('link' => $this->Entity_Url($entity, '/reviews'), 'count_formats' => array(sprintf(__('%s review', 'sabai-directory'), '<span itemprop="reviewCount">%d</span>'), sprintf(__('%s reviews', 'sabai-directory'), '<span itemprop="reviewCount">%d</span>')), 'summary_url' => $this->Entity_Url($entity, '/ratings')));?>
    <?php endif;?>
    <?php Sabai::_h($entity->getTitle());?>
    <?php if ($entity->directory_category && ($categories = $this->Entity_RenderField($entity, 'directory_category'))):?>
                <div class="sabai-directory-category">
                    <?php echo $categories;?>
    <?php endif;?>
                <div class="sabai-directory-info sabai-clearfix">
    <?php if ($entity->directory_location):?>
                    <div class="sabai-directory-location">
                        <?php echo $this->Entity_RenderField($entity, 'directory_location');?>
    <?php   if ($entity->directory_location[0]['street']):?>
                    <div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="" class="sabai-directory-address sabai-hidden">
                        <span itemprop="streetAddress"><?php Sabai::_h($entity->directory_location[0]['street']);?></span>
    <?php     if ($entity->directory_location[0]['city']):?>
                        <span itemprop="addressLocality"><?php Sabai::_h($entity->directory_location[0]['city']);?></span>
    <?php     endif;?>
    <?php     if ($entity->directory_location[0]['state']):?>
                        <span itemprop="addressRegion"><?php Sabai::_h($entity->directory_location[0]['state']);?></span>
    <?php     endif;?>
    <?php     if ($entity->directory_location[0]['zip']):?>
                        <span itemprop="postalCode"><?php Sabai::_h($entity->directory_location[0]['zip']);?></span>
    <?php     endif;?>
    <?php     if ($entity->directory_location[0]['country']):?>
                        <span itemprop="addressCountry"><?php Sabai::_h($entity->directory_location[0]['country']);?></span>
    <?php     endif;?>
    <?php   endif;?>
    <?php endif;?>
                    <div class="sabai-directory-contact">
                        <?php echo $this->Entity_RenderField($entity, 'directory_contact');?>
                    <div class="sabai-directory-social">
                        <?php echo $this->Entity_RenderField($entity, 'directory_social');?>
    <?php if ($listing_body = $this->Entity_RenderField($entity, 'content_body')):?>
                <div class="sabai-directory-body" itemprop="description">
                    <?php echo $listing_body;?>
    <?php endif;?>
                <div class="sabai-directory-custom-fields">
                    <?php $this->displayTemplate('directory_custom_fields', array('entity' => $entity));?>
    <?php if (!empty($buttons)):?>
        <div class="sabai-navigation sabai-navigation-bottom sabai-entity-buttons">
            <?php echo $this->ButtonToolbar($buttons);?>
    <?php endif;?>
    <?php if (!empty($links)):?>
        <div class="sabai-entity-links">
            <?php echo $this->ButtonLinks($links);?>
    <?php endif;?>
    <?php if (!$IS_EMBED) $this->Action('directory_after_single_listing', array($bundle->addon, $entity));?>

    Hey smarta-brett,
    I tested your modification in the active plugin file: sabai-directory/assets/templates/directory_listing_single_full.html.php and it worked correctly, I note that your modified file in your child theme doesn’t seem to have the correct directory structure, try placeing your modified file in a directory structure like this:

    Best regards,


    Hi – thanks

    i tried both (all) those and a few other structure option but none worked

    I also tried the edit in
    and it did not work for me – I placed the code <?php Sabai::_h($entity->getTitle());?> on lien 23 – is that correct?
    if I can get ti working this way I will be satisfied for the moment

    I found on their support board
    “Does the theme correctly use the the_title WordPress function to display listing titles? Our plugin hooks into that function to display listing titles. If you send us your theme files for us to take a look, please contact support from”


    one more small thing

    I am trying to make that listing title bold and a larger font size using CSS

    I’v tried
    .sabai-col-sm-12 sabai-directory-main {
    font-weight: 600
    but it makes the whole thing bold
    I cant seem to isolate juts the title
    ant suggestions?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by smarta-brett.

    I see that your child theme directory structure is: sabai-directory/assets/templates/directory_listing_single_full.html.php but I believe it needs to be:
    As your title is right now it is in a text node and it would be better if it was in a div, so I changed your line 23 (in all places) to this: <div class="listing-title"><?php Sabai::_h($entity->getTitle());?></div> and now you can style the title like this:

    .listing-title {
    font-weight: 600;

    Best regards,


    you guys are AWESOME !!

    thank you!!


    Glad we were able to help, did you sort out the directory structure for the child theme?
    Shall we close this then?

    Best regards,


    no I didn’t sort out the child theme – the changes are in the main file as far as I know
    I did try all those different structures
    I think I’ll leave it as it is for the time being and go back to it after some more pressing problems are resolved


    Ok, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,


    can you hold off for a few days please – i may get back to it in the next day or two



    Best regards,

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