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  • #993114

    as this is one of my first wordpress project, in my opinion the site is too slow. As we are still developing we did nothing to make the site faster (caching, images…) I am not sure if it as a general problem with the site or if I did sometning wrong. Could you maybe take a look and tell me your opinion?
    Thank you so much


    Hey weblinedesign,

    One possible reason could be that your server doesn’t support php sessions – I added this code to the child theme functions.php:


    which deactivates the session code called by Enfold and the loading time decreased dramatically. I installed a debug info plugin (link can be found in the private content) and I couldn’t find any other obvious reasons why your website loads so slow. Even the default Twentythirteen theme (which does not load the shortcodes, LayerSlider and the WPML translations) takes about 5-6 seconds to load. I’d recommend to talk to the hoster – maybe he can provide a server upgrade or can check the server logs for errors.

    Best regards,


    Thank you very much. I contacted the hoster and wait for a reply.
    Regards Barbara



    Ok, I’ll leave this thread open for now :)

    Best regards,

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