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  • #1374246

    Hi, since required update to PHP 8.0/8.1, the page loads very slowly and only a part of the content. Sometimes it crashes altogether with a timeout error.

    See attached for some info from the hosting provider. I have disabled all plugins. The issue does not arise on the WP 2023 theme.

    Message from the hoster:

    However, there is either a plugin, or their theme, that sends requests over and over without waiting for a response. They see that the problem started around the time they updated to PHP 8.0 and would advise you to check the plugins and themes for it. If you cannot solve this yourself, the technicians recommend that you contact a web developer about this.

    Thanks already!


    PS see attached for some debug info from WP’s “your site has a technical error” e-mail.



    Thanks for contacting us and sorry for the late reply!

    Our devs suggested us to check the directory structure of your installation but it seems fine. Could you please temporary WP admin logins here privately as well?

    Best regards,


    Hello Yigit,

    Thats okay, glad to hear from you. Find attached a login.

    Keep me posted, thanks!



    I re-installed Enfold and enabled debug log. There was a warning directing to a line in one of the theme files. I commented it out but your page still does not load correctly and warning changed to error on WP core files.

    While I was searching online, I found this GitHub issue where one.com users had similar issue – https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/16752. I believe you are using one.com as well.

    Could you please contact them and have them check debug.log? This seems to be related to server settings.

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit, thanks. I do not quite understand what it says on Github but will check with One where it is indeed hosted.



    PS Odd thing though: other sites that are also using Enfold on one.com are running fine..


    Hi Yigit, I made a copy of the site on a decent server optimized for WP and I see the issue occurs still.

    Here PHP 7.4 is still available, but the issue also occurs on that version, so it seems it is not related to PHP-version after all.


    Hi Yigit, FYI, it seems the issue is fixed. I noticed on a staging environment the site was working well until I imported the nav menus. When I deleted and re-created the menus on the live environment, the site was functioning normally again. Still vague what exactly was the cause, but I guess something was corrupted in the menu data structure.



    Glad you figured it out and thanks for sharing your solution!

    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day :)

    Best regards,

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