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  • #974187

    Hi everyone,

    I have been using Enfold for some time now, but I am unable to figure this out.
    Want to create a page layout as demonstrated in the picture below:

    Page Layout

    I am using one content section and use one 1/2 layout element to fill the left side. Now I want to fill up the right side with multiple layout blocks like shown in the image above.

    For demo check the next link in the middle of the page with text starting with “Theoriecursus Breda“:

    Anyone an idea how to to set this up?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by insanityNL.

    Anyone? :’)


    I found a proper example of what I what to create:


    Background image is fixt place on scrolling.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by insanityNL.


    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Have you tried the grid row element? Use the grid row cells to separate the columns and then apply the background color to the columns. Apply the “fixed” background image to the grid row element itself.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your answer.
    I’ve tried that, but still I am unable to stack the right column. Second there is no optie to apply a fixed bg image?

    I made an admin account so you are able to check it ( see private details )

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by insanityNL.


    OK, stacking works now. However the bg image for the gridrow element is not an option in the menu. How do I sort that?

    ***update 2***
    Ok, this works even better than I thought. I still can’t manage to put a “fixed” bg image for the element itself?




    Hi insanityNL,

    Can you please explain a bit more what the issue is now?

    Best regards,


    Yes, but is not the section it need to show parallax.
    The section that you see is a content element. It does not allow the stack moren content elements like in the gridrow below.
    So now I got the content boxes stacked, and want to add the parallax function to the gridrow as Ismael suggested.

    But I am not able to find this option in Gridrow

    In short:
    The current content element with parallax effect will be deleted in the end. Ismael suggested it is possible to add the same effect to a gridrow element. I can’t find it though.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by insanityNL.

    Hi insanityNL,

    Ismael said it is possible to have background images in the grid row, but not the parallax effect.

    Best regards,


    That is unfortunate.

    Is there a possibility for a future update to make is possible?

    The Avada theme does have this option which give you more creativity

    How do I actually get the bg image fixed?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by insanityNL.

    I’ve found some CSS here on this forum, but it didn’t work. I gave the Grid Row the ID “fr-grid“:

    #fr-grid {
      background: url(“/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/class.jpg”);
      background-attachment: fixed !important;
      background-position: center center !important;
      background-size: contain !important;
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by insanityNL. Reason: Updated CSS



    Hi insanityNL,

    Please refrain from bumping or replying to your own thread because it gets pushed back to the end of the queue and moderators won’t be able to provide a response immediately. Please be patient while we go through the rest of the queue. Thank you for your understanding.

    To which element are you trying to add that fixed image?

    Best regards,

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