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  • #1429285

    i get alwys this error with checking the page in PageSepeed Insights.
    I regulary uploaded the font in the theme backend and coneected it also Styling function of backend .. so what is wrong here?
    I am using WP-Optimize for caching.



    Hey Sebastian,

    I’m not sure if I understand the problem? If you want to set a longer expiration on those files, then I would suggest that you try setting it manually in your .htaccess file.

    Best regards,


    I wonder why the fonts are popping up here as load stopper and how to solve that



    Fonts are resources on your site and they need to be loaded, I don’t think that there is any way of getting around that. You could use a web safe font instead though, that means that the font would be loaded locally on the users machine. Open sans is not a web though.

    Best regards,

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