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  • #1212937


    I am setting up a page to display a bbpress forum. page content looked good thus far but suddenly it was not showing anymore. I think it happened after I changed the publish settings. But I cannot reverse it. Can you please investigate. Find necessary details in private content.

    Thank you for the support. Best regards,



    Hey P3T3R_0ne,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The login details above is invalid. Please check it carefully. What do you mean by “publish settings”?

    Best regards,



    The login details were indeed wrong. Find in private content the correct ones.

    About your questions: I mean the page publishing settings. Private, public, password protection. But I don’t know if that caused the issue.


    Sorry for the late reply, I went to your Pages and used the Quick Edit to change the status of your page and now in preview your forum shows.
    But I guess the real question is why you can’t publish it, I have not used bbpress before but I notice that when the page is published there is no option to edit the page in the admin toolbar, but there is when the page is set to draft and you preview it.
    If you publish a test page with the shortcode it shows, please see the link in the Private Content area.

    Ok, I found that if I change the Forum Root Slug which happens to be the same as your page slug the forum shows,
    I don’t think you can have a page with the same slug.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    concerning the slugs, I have tested this myself and indeed if you have the forum root slug equal to the page url then the shortcode doesn’t show on that url.

    However, having a different slug makes the url structure confusing. I actually want to have it set up like you have in the kriesi support forum here. On the support overview page, your url is ‘/support’. When you click on a forum, eg. Enfold, then the url still contains ‘/support’ in the beginning.

    When one has a different forum root slug, then the url changes to that forum root slug when clicking on a forum. You an see what I mean when you click through the forum and observe the url changes (link in private content)



    Thank you for the update.

    We disabled the Forum Root Slug > Forum Prefix option and set the Forum Single Slugs > Forum to “community”. The base URL structure should be retained even on sub forum pages.

    Best regards,



    thx for helping.

    But then when you go one level deeper to a topic, then the URL structure looks inconsistent again. On the topic level ‘/community’ is not in the URL anymore. Also, disabling the forum root slug prefix has the potential to break the site because of potential conflicts with other plugins, it says. So, in this case I would actually prefer to have the forum root slug to show.

    I am still searching for a way to let the URL behave as is in this forum ‘’.



    But then when you go one level deeper to a topic,

    Can you give us a direct link to a topic or forum page that is one level deeper? The last time we checked, the base slug or the Forum Single Slug is retained when we get to a sub topic. And it shouldn’t break the site as long as you don’t create pages, posts or post type with the same slug.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    find a private content a link to a forum thread. In the URL you see that it does not include ‘community’ in the base slug. In the kriesi support forum it retains /support as the base slug, probably because forum base slug is set to ‘support’ and activated.



    Sorry for the delay. Have you tried using “community” as the value of the Topic – Used to prefix topic root slugs field same as we did in the Forum Single Slug field? This documentation might help.


    Best regards,

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