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  • #1334678

    Hi guys,

    I have a really specific problem here link to test site in private settings

    The Enfold site below is using WPML to translate all pages.
    The news page uses a custom layout and uses the ALB Blog Posts Element to Display the Blog
    The design has been customised. But the pagination shouldnt be affected by this.
    The ALB Blog Posts Element is based on the List Layout – Excerpt (Title, meta information and exerpt only)
    Pagination Yes, 14 Posts Per Page.
    Page 3 pagination button at the bottom of the news feed does not work in the spanish version. All other pagination buttons work and the pages load just fine.

    Any chance you can take a look and see if you can see what has gone wrong?


    Hey Thomas,


    Do you see anything in the php error log (can you reproduce it on a stageing site where you can turn on WP_DEBUG and the WordPress Error Log) ?

    Seems that WPML query gets stuck. Maybe something went wrong in saveing the translations. Are you using translation management?
    If you can reproduce it on a stageing site try to translate the posts on this page 3 again – or delete one post after the other and check ?

    Best regards,


    I’ll speak to the client about getting Debug turned on so we can investigate.

    Like you said – It might be one of the posts needs re-publishing on Page 3 – Causing the Post loop to get stuck.
    A bit of trial and error is required to test this theory. We could change these posts to draft and see if we can get it to work still.

    Will get back to you here if we discover anything this end.


    Hi Gunter,
    There was an error in one of the translations. Some ALB code was deleted by mistake.

    All fixed thanks for your help.

    You can mark this as solved.


    Glad Günter was able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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