I have a problem with too much padding around the top image on mobil devices. How to change this? I dislike that there is so much space between the top image and the H1. Any quick fixes to that?
The image size I have chosen is 1500px x 750px.
See example below.
Best regards Marie
Hey friefodspor,
Add this to quick css:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Thanks, Jordan.
This removed a lot of the padding on mobile devices. Is it possible to remove even more? There seems to be much padding (also on PC) between the top image and the H1?. I know this is probably just the Enfold design, but can I eliminate some of that space? Best regards Marie
Hi friefodspor,
Sure, we can help you with that, but can you please be more specific which paddings you want to remove? Could you please attach some screenshots?
Best regards,
Actually I thiunk the solution on mobile devices stopped working again? I have made a screendump of the page posted below seen from iPhone, but I cannot attach files here in support? There is still very much air over the picture and underneath seen from a phoone? I tried pasting the code again, but it makes no difference?
Hi friefodspor,
You can upload the screenshots to a service link Dropbox and give us the links here.
Best regards,
Here goes
Thanks for providing the screen. Please try this:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Thanks. Problem solved…
No problem at all. I’m glad this was able to be corrected. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon