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  • #674329


    I am struggling with parallax – I am trying to apply this feature to an image.

    I have:

    (1) Added a Colour Section
    (2) Added the image to as a “Custom Background Image” to the Colour section
    (3) Selected Parallax / Center Center / No repeat

    You can see what the result of this is –

    This is nearly what I want, however, the issue is that the image at the top of the page isn’t “constrained” within the colour section like the rest of the colour sections below?

    If I change the “Background Attachment” option to Fixed or Scroll, the image is constrained (however, no parallax :( ) – …. e.g.




    Hey scotryan,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    It is not constrained because of the aspect ratio. We can set the background size property to 100% but it will slightly distort the image.

    .avia-full-stretch {
        background-size: 100% 100% !important;

    Best regards,

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