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  • #773605

    I am trying to set the site logo to be oversized with the bottom of the logo extending down and over the bottom of the header. I can achieve it with something like this:

    .logo a img {
        max-height: 139px !important;
        z-index: 9999;
        position: fixed;

    where I set the logo to use its original height and make it fixed so it extends out over the header.

    The problem is, the height of that element is set by the jQuery function avia_header_size() in avia.js.

    Can anyone offer advice on disabling the change of height in the logo on scroll, but still allowing for the header to shrink? Thanks in advance!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by ecdoesit.

    Well I ended up commenting out the max-height change for the logo and added in lines that change the logo class to hide when scrolling.

    if(shrinking && !isMobile)
        if(st < el_height/2)
            newH = el_height - st;
            if(st <= 0){
    			newH = el_height;
            av_change_class(header, 'remove', 'header-scrolled');
            av_change_class(logo, 'remove', 'hide');
            newH = el_height/2;
            av_change_class(header, 'add', 'header-scrolled');
            av_change_class(logo, 'add', 'hide');
        if(st - 30 < el_height)
            av_change_class(header, 'remove', 'header-scrolled-full');
            av_change_class(logo, 'remove', 'hide');
            av_change_class(header, 'add', 'header-scrolled-full');
            av_change_class(logo, 'add', 'hide');
        elements.css({'height': newH + 'px', 'lineHeight': newH + 'px'});
    	// logo.css({'maxHeight': newH + 'px'});
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by ecdoesit.


    Thanks for the feedback, did you manage to get it working as you wanted it to using that code?

    Best regards,

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