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  • #1299447

    I want to have a white H1 on my homepage. When I set the color to white, it stays Gray, presumably because it is set to gray under advanced styling. Is there a way to override this?



    Hi AFEC,

    Yes, there’s a way around it which is via Quick CSS, can you give us a link to your homepage and the text of the h1 heading? so we can find it easily and inspect it.
    Then give you an accurate CSS code to override it.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Nikko – link in private


    Hi AFEC,

    Thanks for providing the link.
    This code is specific only to the page provided, please add this in Quick CSS: #wrap_all .main_color h1.av-rotator-container-inner {
        color: white !important;

    Best regards,


    Worked like a charm. I assume I just swap out that page ID to apply to the new page?


    Hi AFEC,

    Yes, you are correct.
    If you want to make it global then you can just use (remove page-id-xx):

    #top #wrap_all .main_color h1.av-rotator-container-inner {
        color: white !important;

    Best regards,

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