Hello Sirs,
The wishlist heart makes a “hole” in dropdown menu. Please see the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/nhlyi8
I don’t want the zoom function to overlap the wishlist heart. I want the wishlist heart to be on top.
So, I thought the following css:
Please see the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/nhlylq
But, as side effect the heart makes a “hole” in dropdown menu. It overlaps it.
URL: https://zoomit.gr/wordpress_2/store/kalokairina/anemistiras-dapedoy-16-40cm/
I would really appreciate if you could help me with this issue.
I am looking forward to your news.
Best regards,
Hey Nick,
Please try adding following code to Quick CSS
.zoomContainer {
z-index: 499;
and change your existing code to following
Best regards,
Hey Yigit,
It worked!! You are brilliant!!!
Thank you so much for your precious support!!!
You can close the ticket.
Best regards,
Hi Nick,
Glad we could help :)
Closing this one.
Best regards,