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  • #561444

    Hi Support

    At first, let me wish you and all the Kriesi team an Happy new year !!

    I encounter a small problem with the avia style
    I’m using a Woocommerce extension which is WooCommerce Bookings who display a calendar in the booking page
    Althought I’ve stylize the calendar with CSS, it’s overide by the avia color

    .main_color .wc-bookings-date-picker .ui-datepicker td.bookable a {
        background-color: #1175bc !important;
        border-color: #a3a9b5;
        color: #ffffff !important;

    The problem is the !important after the “background-color:” which seem to be not overide in my child theme however I add a Background-color:none
    How can I read of this background-color who block the color of reservation, which is

    .wc-bookings-date-picker .ui-datepicker td.ui-datepicker-current-day a {
        background: #f0f none repeat scroll 0 0 !important;

    This is what I want to obtain
    What I want to obtain

    Many thanks !!

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Ikyo.

    Hi Ikyo!

    Try this out.

    #top .wc-bookings-date-picker .ui-datepicker td.ui-datepicker-current-day a {
        background: none !important;



    So effective and useful as usual

    Many thanks Elliott !



    Glad we could help :-)


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