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  • #244312


    Is there an easy way to control the order of portfolio items? I typically use the Post Types Order plug in, but it does not work for the portfolio post type. Right now I’m controlling the order by manipulating the ‘date published’ information on each post, but this is a bit arduous.

    Thanks in advance. This is a great theme, congrats on a job REALLY well done!



    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by bforliano.


    The Post Types Order plugin should work just fine. I use the premium version with Enfold on my website too and I didn’t notice any issues. Make sure that the “Allow reorder” option includes the “Portfolio” post type and the “AutoSort” option is set to “On”. If it doesn’t work I suggest to contact the plugin author because it’s probably just a configuration issue.



    Thank you. The setting change did the trick. Much appreciated!

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