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  • #344975

    I’m quite new to the enfold team, so please forgive me if I am overlooking an obvious answer to this question.

    When setting a background image for a color section, I am given the option to make the image fixed or parallax. Is there any way to get the same options when choosing a background video instead of an image, and if not, is there a way of creating a similar effect with a different method?

    I am trying to create a page with a fullscreen video in the background and content on top.
    I have achieved this by using a color section and adding content within, however if there is more content than can be displayed on the height of the screen, the background video is stretched to make more space. I want the video to stay fixed, in fullscreen, so that when scrolling; the content moves relative to the background video as opposed to moving with it.

    Thanks in advance,


    Hey Flemming!

    That featured is not available at the moment, if you really need it you would have to contact a developer for the job, also feel free to request it here.

    Best regards, 


    I have the same request



    Such feature is still not available. Feel free to try Revolution slider – It has fullscreen feature and i believe it is possible to make videos fullscreen as well. It would be better if you contacted plugin authors.



    Ok thanks, but that’s really not what I’m looking for. I want to have a video running behind standard content (text, images, “layout elements” etc.. ) so that wouldnt do at all.



    Have you tried using a Color Section with a video as background?



    That’s what I tried initially, but it kept adding black bars to the top and bottom. I’ve tried it again, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

    But more importantly, its not fixed! I wanted the video to fit the whole screen and have the content scroll on top of it like a fixed image. I’ve got the settings as: fixed, top left, no repeat, 16:9 (the video itself is 16:9 1920 x 1080)

    Screenshot: (note, the content scrolls down a lot further than shown, and you can only see the very top of the video in that shot)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by mikebackhouse.


    I see, unfortunately there’s no option for parallax/fixed video background on section right now, please post your request here:



    Ah shame, no problem. Thanks for letting me know Josue. I’ll look into alternative fixes

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