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  • #400194

    Hey guys,

    Thanks again for your great theme. I especially love the photography demo page. Looks cool and it’s easy to modify. Great stuff.

    Additionally I want to start an new online business and for that I really need a good looking opt-in page (see example https://www.zen12.com/)

    Unfortunately, I’m not a technical guy and writing code and such is definitely not my thing. And that’s why I bought your theme in the first place.

    So guys, do you have a demo page I can use or a code I can copy to help me out here?

    Best regards


    Hey Stefan!

    You can import demo content via the backend: Enfold–>Demo Import. There you can import the Photography Demo.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Rikard for your reply.

    Let me rephrase my questions?

    Do you have a demo opt-in page such as https://www.zen12.com ready to use in enfold?

    If not, could you please provide the code for that kind of page.



    Hey Stefan!

    Refer to this on how to implement an opt-in form (using MailChimp):

    For the counter you can use the Animated Countdown element, the layout would be something like this:


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