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    Hi, I may be overlooking something painfully obvious, apologies in advance.
    I’d like to open the images in my portfolio items page in a lightbox slideshow instead of the preview box above. I don’t want all the portfolio item images on the page, I’d like to be able to click just one image (the featured image on portfolio item page) and have that open a lightbox that includes all the images on the related portfolio item page . Is there away to do that? See http://rosemaryjason.com/photography/

    Thanks in advance,


    Hey romella!

    I think the portfolio ajax that your currently using is the best way to do this.

    You could create custom links to your images and have them open up in lightbox as a gallery but you would not be able to use the portfolio with that. To get that functionality with the portfolio would have to be considered custom work as it would take a lot of time and code to accomplish.

    Best regards,


    Hi Elliot,
    Thanks for the reply, How do I create custom links to my images and have them open up in a gallery? I tried a bunch of different ways with no luck, even installed a custom link plug in for WP galleries.

    Also I am playing around with the preview gallery – see http://rosemaryjason.com/video-test – and the images in the preview box are pixelated and blurry, thumbnails are sort of OK and the light box image is fine.. Any ideas on how to fix that? I’ve tried lots of different image sizes and the preview is always blurry. I’ve also tried larger page sections as well, no luck.

    Thanks in advance,



    To get images to open up in the lightbox gallery all you need to do is link to the image.

    <a href = "URL to your image">
    <img src = "URL to the image thumbnail if desired" />



    Hi Elliot,
    Thanks, I guess I misunderstood, I thought there was some work around using custom links to link an image to an existing gallery where all the gallery images would open in the light box. I know how to link to a single image, but thanks for the info. The other question remains, why are my preview images so blurry in the preview gallery http://rosemaryjason.com/video-test? They are the same images that I used in the portfolio preview and they look fine there. Most of the mages are 650 x 650.

    Thanks, Rosemary


    Hi again,
    Sorry to keep bugging you. I figured out how to hide the thumbnails in the preview gallery to get the effect that I wanted.
    #top #wrap_all .avia-gallery .avia-gallery-thumb a {
    display: none;
    But I still have the blurry preview image problem. Any ideas? http://rosemaryjason.com/video-test/

    Thanks in advance,



    Please go to Settings > Media and increase “Thumbnail size” then regenerate thumbnails using this plugin – https://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/


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