Hi there! I have an image with a hotspot linking to a URL. I would like to make the URL open in a new browser window (not a new tab, so _blank is not good enough). It would be nice if I could give the size of the width and the height of the new window as well. Is this possible?
Hi e-cat!
You can use the option to open the link on a pop up.
let me know if that links help you :-)
Thank you. I now have the working code but how do I implement this in the hotspot image?
This doesn’t work:
[av_image_spot tooltip_pos='av-tt-pos-above av-tt-align-left' tooltip_width='av-tt-default-width' tooltip_style='main_color' link='manually,http://www.url.com' onclick="javascript:void window.open('http://www.url.com','1442776166522','width=700,height=500,toolbar=1,menubar=0,location=1,status=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,left=0,top=0');" hotspot_color='custom' custom_bg='#eeee22' custom_font='#ffffff' custom_pulse='#ffffff' hotspot_pos='47.6,55']
Where do I put the onclick part?
implement it into a code block element.
Best regards,
When I put this in a code block element it still doesn’t work. It might be a problem with the ” and ‘. Can you please give a correct example of a [av_image_spot] code that contains a onclick javascript part? Thanks in advance!
That code won’t work because the av_image_spot
shortcode doesn’t support such attribute (onclick
). One thing you can do is use the included popup script to make the content open as a lightbox, you can activate it on a link by simply adding ?iframe=true
at the end: