Really love the theme. I have a page at http://www.icreate-websites.co.uk/about/ password is “salad”. This page lists a number of job vacancies what my client wants is the ability to click on the button and a lightbox to show the content of a page/post. Please see example I have mocked up http://www.icreate-websites.co.uk/job.jpg. This eliminates the user from having to navigate away from the main vacancies page. From the pop-up the user will be able to apply for the role or email for further information for later and then close the lightbox.
Can you please help
Hey condonpb!
Please see here, https://kriesi.at/support/topic/window-pop-up-iframe-through-lightbox/.
Many thanks have got this to work. How do I get the lightbox to show full height. If you goto http://www.icreate-websites.co.uk/about/ (password for site is “salad”) and click on the “more details” button on the top left entry you will see the lightbox does not fully open the user has to scroll. What my client want is for this to open fully with no scroll bar can you help please.
For me it looks like it’s trying to open up a video in the popup. What is the code your using?
Best regards,