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  • #350469

    Hi – couple of quick questions:

    1) on the website, I’ve got the each section of a one page website working well except for the last section – when you click to go the contact section the previous section – clients – goes to far down – not sure why? Is there any suggested length of each section so that it will automatically look good on laptop/desktop/mobile/ipad?

    2) Can I change the image used for the back to the top button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen?




    Hey kathrynmichaud!

    1. Try adding a separator shortcode after your google map.

    2. Try adding this to your custom CSS.

    #scroll-top-link {
        background: url("URL here") !important;
    #scroll-top-link:before {
        content: "" !important;

    And then replace “URL here” with the URL to your image.



    Hi – yes that’s all worked great thank you – only thing is can you recommend what size the background images should be for each section of the one page website? It looks okay on my laptop but doesn’t look great on the mobile …




    I have changed the height of each background image/color section to 100% of browser window which seems to have helped – is that the right thing to do?

    When I look at it on a mobile there seem to be a couple of issues – 1) is that the slider images don’t seem to be responsive and 2) I can only see the mobile menu at the very top of the Home Page – if I choose to jump to another section then I can’t see the mobile menu at the top of page any more to navigate to somewhere else.





    1. Are you sure you are setting the images to stretch the full width in the shortcode options? Send us a WordPress login and set your reply as private and we’ll take a closer look.

    2. Add this to your custom CSS.

    #advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide {
        display: block;
        margin-top: 0 !important;
        position: fixed !important;
        right: 20px !important;
        top: 20px !important;

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I think what your wanting is to use the LayerSlider element and make sure the width is set to 100% in the slide settings.

    Best regards,


    Hi – I’ve changed the slider to a Layerslider and the width is set to 100% in the slider settings but it still isn’t looking right on a mobile – any ideas?

    Also, if you look at each page – for example use the jump link to go to Clients – the title clients seems to start a long way down the page – I need it to be more up towards the top of the page, but I’ve add to add some whitespaces in so that the jumplinks work correctly – not sure how to get the jumplinks working well but with the page content starting near the top?



    Hi – sorry but I’m having real problems with this one page website layout. I can’t get text on each section to start at the top of the page – it all seems start further down the page so I have a big gap at the top of each section – also I can’t get the sizes right for each section so the slider/background image size that I use on Chrome doesn’t look right in IE – could somebody please help me get this right so I can finish it off for my client asap?

    I provided FTP details above if anybody needs to go in to take a look at my settings.

    Thank you!


    Hi – I’ve managed to solve some things but these are the problems that I still can’t work out:

    1) The site looks good on Google Chrome but the page sections are too short on Internet Explorer – how can I fix that?
    2) On the Ipad, the mobile menu is visible (which isn’t necessary) but not functioning and the logo goes over the menu links. More importantly, none of the menu links are working.
    3) On both the mobile phone and the Ipad the home page slider is not responsive.

    Please could somebody help me out urgently as my client has been waiting today for me to show them the site!

    Thank you.



    1. I’m seeing the same thing in all browsers. Is your copy of IE updated?

    2. I checked on an iPod and Nexus 7 tablet but the menu is working fine. It should be the same on an iPad. Try clearing your cache.

    3. You did not have the full width or responsive under settings filled out in the LayerSlider options. I added them in for you.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
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