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  • #1343990

    Hey There,

    I built a onepage menu with anchors:
    It’s the first Menu item: “Coaching für Unternehmen”
    (link and password to site in private content)
    I am proud and happy, it works. :)
    But unfortunately it doesn’t work perfectly good.
    Pls see screenshots:
    when I am on the homepage and I go to
    > Coaching für Unternehmen > Intro
    it looks like that:

    But it should look like this:

    Can you tell me what to do?

    Thanks in advance and best regards!



    Hi Josephine,

    Thanks for the screenshots. I can’t see the problem on my end using Chrome though, in which browser are you seeing that behaviour?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    oh yes you’re right. In Chrome it’s ok. For testing the site I use “Safari”. So, is there any solution that it looks good in safari browser as well?

    BR Josephine



    Thanks for contacting us!

    I just checked your website on Safari but it does work fine on my end. I attached a screenshot in private content field below. I tried resizing the browser window but that made no difference :)



    Hi Yigit,

    it depends on the Screen-size, on my powerbook 15′ the text is just half visible, on the thunderbolt display I don’t know how big it is, it’s looks good.

    BR Josephine


    You can test your screen resolution here, if you are still having issues with a specific resolution and browser please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Oh, cool!

    So my thunderbolt display is 2560×1440
    and my powerbook: 1440×900

    But I just saw that on both screens the upper part / first row of headline is cut. Sometimes not directly.
    it happens when I first go to:
    Here I just see:
    instead of
    Coaching für

    Here I just see:
    instead of
    Coaching für

    BR Josephine



    Thank you for the update.

    Did you set the page to use the default editor instead of the Advance Layout Builder? We noticed that the sections are contained in a single container, which should only happen when using the default editor. Please post the login details in the private field so that we can check the site further.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    mmhh, I don’t know, what do you mean by “set the page to use default editor” ?
    In what settings can I change that?
    I use the ALB normally.
    pls see in private content the temporary login.

    BR Josephine


    Thank you for your patience and for the login, I note that your page is using the preloader and takes a little while to show the content and when it does the offset of the page is not quite right, thus the title is under the header some. I believe this is due to your layerslider shortcode in the code block element is loading a little late so the height of the page is changing by the time the page is shown, disturbing the offset.
    I tested using the layerslider element instead of the code block element and the offset then was fine.
    I put the page back to the way I found it, so please test this and see if it helps.

    Best regards,

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