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  • #1186195

    i do sometimes use the menu label to insert images or line-breaks in a menu-item .
    on hamburger items these linebreaks or span-tags are not present.
    The img tag is present but <br> and <span> aren’t

    f.e – i try to insert this to menu label:
    Beratung und medizinische Versorgung<br class="custom-break" /><span class="drunter">Betreuungszentrum</span>
    on the mega-menu it is all right – but on hamburger menu br and span tags are gone


    Hey Guenter,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We can’t seem to reproduce the issue on our end. The html tags are still present in the cloned burger menu item. Please check the screenshot below.


    Best regards,


    have you tested it on the newest enfold?
    And is that link a mega-menu Title ? ( seems to be only on mega_menu_title )

    there was a change on a former unpdate that headings are escaped from that . Maybe that similar problem is here too.
    On my Enfold 4.7.3 there is it missing. ( by the way on 4.6.3 it is too for all mega_menu_title



    Thank you for the update.

    Yes, we tested it on version 4.7.3 and it’s still the same when we used the markup in the mega menu column title. It’s probably cause by something else. Please check the screenshot below.


    Best regards,


    Yes – open the hamburger on that and look what happend to these tags

    on hamburger items these linebreaks or span-tags are not present.

    on the mega-menu it is all right – but on hamburger menu br and span tags are gone



    Ah yes. Sorry about that. There is this block of code in the js > avia.js file around line 1043:

    $('<a href="'+mega_title_link+'"><span class="avia-bullet"></span><span class="avia-menu-text">' +mega_title.text()+ '</span></a>').insertBefore(new_ul);
    								mega_link = new_li.find('>a');

    It is using the mega_title text instead of html.

    We can replace it with the html function to preserve the tags.


    Best regards,


    Thanks : But this is definitely something that has to be in a next update. It is precisely this possibility of setting html tags that is often necessary for the Hamburg menu items.

    But it does not seem to be that simple: the simple exchange leads to a blind menu entry – which also leads to the corresponding page, but see it on the source code

    And have a look on the demo page in private Content


    I can get rid of these by css – but I’d prefer the clones didn’t emerge.

    #av-burger-menu-ul > li > ul.sub-menu > li.av-width-submenu > a:nth-of-type(1) {
        display: none !important;


    ok that was the real hint : mega_titel.html() could not be used because it has all the content of the anchor in it too.
    So there is an empty anchor li and then the one with the text.
    i just did it now this way ( 1004 ff) : i inserted that new var: mega_title_text

    var megacolumn		= $(this),
    	mega_current  	= megacolumn.find( '> .sub-menu' ),	//  can be 0 if only a column is used without submenus
    	mega_title 		= megacolumn.find( '> .mega_menu_title' ), 
    	mega_title_text	= mega_title.find('a').html(), 	// so this is new to have tag transfer to hamburger menu titles
    	mega_title_link = mega_title.find('a').attr('href') || "#",
    	current_megas 	= mega_current.length > 0 ? mega_current.find('>li') : null,
    	mega_title_set  = false,
    	mega_link 		= new_li.find('>a'),
    	hide_enty		= '';

    and this mega_title_text comes then to the mentioned place:

    $('<a href="'+mega_title_link+'"><span class="avia-bullet"></span><span class="avia-menu-text">' + mega_title_text + '</span></a>').insertBefore(new_ul);
    mega_link = new_li.find('>a');

    This work great : can be closed

    Edit: i recognized that on indivdual link with link: # the new var needs an if clause:

    var mega_title_text = mega_title.find(‘a’).length > 0 ? mega_title.find(‘a’).html() : mega_title.html(),

    so it has to be:

    var megacolumn		= $(this),
    	mega_current  	= megacolumn.find( '> .sub-menu' ),	//  can be 0 if only a column is used without submenus
    	mega_title 		= megacolumn.find( '> .mega_menu_title' ), 
    	mega_title_text	= mega_title.find('a').length > 0 ? mega_title.find('a').html() : mega_title.html(),
    	mega_title_link = mega_title.find('a').attr('href') || "#",
    	current_megas 	= mega_current.length > 0 ? mega_current.find('>li') : null,
    	mega_title_set  = false,
    	mega_link 		= new_li.find('>a'),
    	hide_enty		= '';
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Guenni007.


    Alright. Thanks. Closing.

    Best regards,

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