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  • #1012857 — the post impacted is How to Beat Fear of Relationships & Intimacy (the & was ‘and’)

    I have tried matching all settings in blog post, checking the theme settings in Blog Posts, I have moved other posts to the top position by changing their published date (they do NOT do the Read More thing), and I have deleted the How to Beat Fear . . . .post and republished it from scratch, even changing the title a little (‘and’ to ‘&’). I have even moved this post down by changing the date, and it still only shows Read More (until you click, then you see content). I have cleared all caches, tried in different browsers. It is only this post. I cannot find anything in the source code that is causing this, but I’m not an expert.

    I’m totally stumped at this point. I don’t know why this post is being singled out and is not showing the content on the Blog Posts Page, and instead only shows content once you click into it.



    I have changed the status of this post to Draft until I get it resolved.

    MODS: Please let me know if you’d like to take a peek inside it and I’ll put login creds in private box.




    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Yes, please post the login details in the private field. We would like to check the settings.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I have moved my blog back to another domain until I get a few things dialed in, but the post I am referring to is not deleted on this site, it (and all others–and I did find some others like this . . . . and the title doesn’t show up on some posts either) are in the drafts box.

    Info follows in private box.

    PS, I have marked my blog as “select blog page” in both WordPress settings and in the Enfold Child blog settings. I am guessing it’ll need to be changed to “Blog” to change the post I originally referred to Published and to be able to see it on my site.




    You have to reset Settings > Reading options to default and only set the page as the blog page in the Enfold > Theme Options. You can then configure more options for the blog in the Enfold > Blog Layout panel.

    Best regards,



    When you say to reset Settings > Reading to default, do you mean leave my front page as a Static Page (which is what it is) with that page selected in the dropdown, then have the posts page with nothing selected (which means the drop down shows —-Select—-). If so, that is how I have it set currently. . . or do you mean that I should also have my Front page set as undefined (drop down would show —-Select—-) and leave Front page set to Static page (since it is a static page).??

    I believe you mean to leave Settings > Reading as Static Front Page (set to current homepage) and Posts Page set as null (—-Select—-),
    AND set Enfold > Theme Options > Frontpage setting to current homepage and > Where to display Blog set as “Blog”

    I want to be sure I get this right.


    I have set things up like this:
    Settings > Reading > Homepage: Static Page: Counseling Austin and West Lake. . .
    Settings > Reading > Posts Page: —Select— (ie I chose nothing from dropdown)
    For each article in a feed, show: Full Text

    Enfold Child Theme > Theme Options: Front Page Settings: Counseling Austin and West Lake…. (same as Settings > Reading)
    Enfold Child Theme > Theme Options: And where do you want to display the Blog?: Blog (that’s my blog posts page name).

    I then marked 2 of my Blog Posts as Published (“How to Beat Fear of Relationships and Intimacy” and “The Champion, Survivor, and Miracle Mind “). I cleared my caches and browser history.

    Login creds are in private box from earlier. Remember, I completely deleted and recreated the How to Beat Fear … post (and permanently deleted the original version).

    The How to Beat Fear . ..article simply shows “Read More” on the Blog Posts Page, and clicking into it, it does not show the title at the top.

    The Champion, Survivor. . article shows the full article on the Blog Posts Page (right below the How to Beat. . . article) and DOES show the title when you click in to it.

    I am beating my head against a wall trying to find the difference between these. I will leave them both published for a few hours so y’all can see what I am talking about . . . I don’t want to leave them up long though because the How to Beat . . . article might be confusing for Google bots since it does not show the title, and since the presentation of the articles is not uniform on the Posts Page. There are a few other articles that do the same thing as the How to Beat Fear. . . post, but they look identical to these 2 posts, so I won’t put them all up.



    The settings are correct. However, one of the posts is using the advance layout builder instead of the default editor. I switched it to the default editor and then added this hook in the functions.php file to have the blog display the excerpt and the read more button.

    function ava_blog_read_more() {
        global $avia_config;
        $avia_config['blog_content'] = "excerpt_read_more"; 
    add_action('get_header', 'ava_blog_read_more');

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael,

    Do I need to only use the Default editor for posts? I had noticed the difference and tried saving both posts in default editor, then both in ALB with same result. I must have changed one of them back to default when I re-published these.

    I’ll start re-publishing my posts for viewing, but let me know if I am better to stay in one editor or the other (or if I can use ALB, but just save from Default editor).



    Ok, new update: When I click Read More, the blog post shown is only the excerpt with no other posts on the page. Clicking REad More again only shows the same excerpt. The full article is never shown. Except on the articles that still do not show the full title. . . those show the full article, but not the title.

    So currently, either I only see an excerpt wiht the Blog Post title upon clicking Read More, or I see the full article, but with no title upon clicking Read More.
    I’ll leave one post of each type published.
    *****EDIT***** Changing the posts to Default causes all content to vanish in the editor. And currently, on the Blog Posts page, the Why Men… article doesn’t show an excerpt, but does show whole article (with no title). I am getting more and more confused here



    Yes, you can use the advance layout builder for your posts but you can’t switch back to the default editor, and you will have to add the summary in the Excerpt field manually because the content of the advance layout builder will not display in the blog overview page.

    When I click Read More, the blog post shown is only the excerpt

    My bad. Please update the code in the functions.php file:

    function ava_blog_read_more() {
        global $avia_config;
        if(!is_single()) $avia_config['blog_content'] = "excerpt_read_more";  
    add_action('get_header', 'ava_blog_read_more');

    Best regards,


    I really appreciate the really fast responses.

    Am I replacing the previous functions.php code with this new piece, or just adding the new piece after that last one?

    EDIT: I have tried adding it and replacing it . . .now I get the full article on both, but neither shows the title when you click into the post itself. For now, I have added the “Header title and breadcrumbs” in Theme Options > Header. While I like breadcrumbs, they overlap the title on mobile for longer titled pages/posts.

    I’ll start adding the 150 excerpts manually. Hopefully I can find a plugin that might be able to do that as I have over 150 posts to manually do that with. If you have suggestions, I’m open for sure. ***EDIT****: I just realized that if I leave the posts in Default view, the posts automatically have the excerpt shown. I’d leave them in default view if that didn’t cause the full post to not be visible upon clicking Read More. This seems like a nice option to develop, I just don’t know how complex it would be to allow excerpts to be automatically created in ALB and still have the full post be visible upon clicking into it.

    Thanks again,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by gatehealing.

    Hi Jon,

    The thing is that posts built with the Advanced Layout Builder can have any elements and not necessarily a lot of text, parsing the page looking for text can be very tedious and how is the script supposed to know which text a user wants to show in an excerpt. So you have the option to add the excerpt yourself and put whatever test you need in there.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Is there any functions.php alteration I can make so that I can just use the Default editor? My posts will not be heavy on elements. Just regular headings and content, and the idea of manually creating over 150 excerpts is rather daunting as compared to adding/subracting some code from functions.php and then using default editor.



    Hi gatehealing,

    You can build your posts with the Default editor and use Advanced Layout Builder shortcodes with the help of the magic wand tool.

    Image 2018-09-27 at 20.57.51.png

    Best regards,


    Ah!! Perfect!! Thanks!


    Ok, now when I use the default editor, and I paste in the full article and save, it does show the excerpt on the Blog Posts Page, however, when I click into the full article, it still only shows the excerpt, not the full article.

    Is that something I should change in functions.php? If yes, how?




    The full content of the post is displayed on the single post page. Is this fixed?

    Best regards,


    Apologies if I didn’t make this clear previously. On the BlogPost Page that shows excerpts of all posts…the index, if you will…all of those are created/saved in ALB editor and work fine, EXCEPT the very last post, titled “Existential Dilemma:…” which was created/saved with Default editor…this one does not show the full
    Post when you click Read More. It goes to its own page (with no other posts) but only shows the excerpt with Read More at the bottom.

    I created/saved Existential Dilemma in default editor as a test because I want to use the Default Editor since it automatically creates the excerpt and ALB does not.

    To show this more clearly, I have done this:
    1) In the 1st post (“How to Beat Fear of Intimacy”) that is in ALB, I deleted the manually created excerpt. You can see on the blog posts page (the index of posts) there is now no excerpt. When you click Read More, you’ll see the full article. EDIT: Now, after redacting it without the manual excerpt, this post shows a blank white page (I just saved 2 spaces in the manual excerpt box so visitors people can still see it).

    2) on the very last post (“Existenial Dilemma”) that is in Default editor, there is no manually created excerpt either, but you’ll see the auto created excerpt is present on the blog post page (index of posts); however when you click Read More (again, the very last blog post on the index page) you’ll notice that it goes to a new page, but only the excerpt is there with Read More at the end (just no index of other posts isnon that page).

    If I could attach a screen shot, I would. This happens after clearing all caches and history, and in Firefox and Chrome.

    If y’all are seeing the entire Existebtial Dilemma post upon clicking Read more, then my iPhone and MacBook Pro and iMac have gremlins and are not showing the full post.

    Please let me know if you are seeing the entire Existential Delimma post, which should be 6 paragraphs.


    I address this in a different thread. I have a few different issues that all seem to impact one another. Sorry for confusion.


    The orig thread was marked as read, so I had to start a new one (titled Other Thread Marked as Read….)



    I fixed the issue – I changed the code in the child theme functions.php to

    function change_blog_archive_style() {
    	global $avia_config;
        if( !empty($avia_config['conditionals']['is_builder']) )$avia_config['blog_content'] = "excerpt_read_more"; 
    add_action('get_header', 'change_blog_archive_style');



    SWEET!!!! I think it’s fixed for default mode so I can have excerpts autogenerated, the title of the blog post shows at the top of the article (so I don’t have to use the extra breadcrumb line), and social share buttons are at bottom.

    Leaving y’all a note in private section. Thanks for all of the help!




    Glad to hear that you’re enjoying the theme!

    You can actually insert the same elements on a default editor by using the shortcode wand or the shortcode generator, so you don’t really need to use the advance layout builder for your posts. If you really need to, you can always add an excerpt manually in order for these posts to display something on the blog overview page.

    The forum doesn’t have a screenshot functionality by default but you can always use third party tools like imgur or dropbox.

    You can review our theme and show your support here:
    Don’t forget to bookmark Enfold Documentation for future reference.

    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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