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  • #1338786
    Alisa Mierzejewski

    Hi, We just started working with a business using your theme Enfold..
    Enfold: vers. 4.26
    WP: 5.8.3

    Receiving this error when trying to edit areas:
    It seems you are currently adding some HTML markup or other special characters. Once all HTML tags are closed the preview will be available again. If this message persists please check your input for special characters and try to remove them.

    Do we need to purchase a new theme in order for you to help us.. ? We do not have the original purchase code.


    Hey Alisa,

    That message appears when you are adding html markup and something is not closed properly, please check so that all your html tags are properly closed. If you don’t have access to the theme files, then I would recommend that you purchase a new license. Otherwise you won’t be able to update the theme, and you might run into problems with newer versions of WordPress and PHP.

    Best regards,

    Alisa Mierzejewski

    We have not added any html as we just started to try to update some text…

    We will purchase the theme so client will have a reference in the future for updates etc.. and we can get
    a bit more support about the issue.

    I will try to update Theme (hoping they did not customize) as they did not use a child.. and I see no
    altered CSS in the theme settings so far…

    crossing fingers…

    Thank you.



    Thanks for update. I would recommend that you upload the new theme files in a separate folder via FTP, then check if everything is working as it should. If it is, then you can rename the new folder to enfold, and the old folder to enfold_old for example.

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,
    So we did purchase a new theme …
    beforehand we downloaded styles and created a child theme..

    Having some styling issues with the update… and put details on
    the Enfold Support Forum here…

    Please review.
    Thank you!



    Thanks for the update, please continue in your new thread.

    Best regards,

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