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  • #1352671

    Hi Folks,

    I’m back with an old technical problem from the backend which ist still not fixed,
    or otherwise – it’s an “basic performance problem“ of Enfold?! ;/;)

    I have had a “tour calendar” in operation on a client site for quite some time. Due to
    the many entries there, page editing in the backend is getting slower and slower!
    The more new entries I add, the slower the page becomes and normal, speedy work
    is virtually no longer possible. Conclusion: The more individual elements there are
    on a page, the slower it becomes! IIt also happens more often that the page doesn’t
    respond at all, because the database seems to have a tilt. I can then only fix this error
    with “WP-Sweep”.

    To make up your own mind, please have a look at the event-page. I will post
    the URL in the private area.

    Is there really no solution or alternative here in sight? Of course there are “event
    calendar plug-ins” and I am currently considering whether to use one. But my
    client is convinced of the current design and doesn’t really want to change the layout.
    Therefore, it would be nice if you could offer me an option! :) Is there maybe a media-
    or content element that I haven’t considered yet that I could use to create the tour entries?

    I’m really looking forward to your new thoughts about it!

    Best regards


    Hey Carsten,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The page builder loads fine on our end and we can still edit the elements without any issues. The responsiveness of the builder does degrade a bit when you add more elements or content but this is true for most page builders, specially builders using the React library. The theme is using mostly jQuery and vanilla Javascript for the builder, so it is still a lot faster in comparison.

    Regarding the “tour calendar”, you might want to check out the Timeline element or create a calendar manually using the Table element. You can also create events using the Portfolio Items and display them with any of the posts element (Portfolio Grid, Masonry, Blog Posts).

    Best regards,


    Good evening Ismael,

    thank you for your quick reply, your explenations and sensefull tips!

    I’ll do my best to get an quick and good overview to all your suggestions.
    And then I’ll come back to you – asap! Until a good time for you!

    Best regards



    Thanks for the update, we’ll keep this thread open for you.

    Best regards,

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