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  • #666894

    (Sorry, I found the issue and fixed it. You can disregard this request)

    Hi, I have been reworking a site on my staging server and this morning I noticed the footer links are all “green” but only on one page: Seen here

    I can’t imaging what could have happened to make this happen. The page is pretty simple and I might just rebuild it and see if that helps but wanted to make sure it wasn’t a larger issue that will begin to creep into other pages as I move forward.

    Also, I just noticed that the content is showing full-width even though I have it placed into a ¾ width column..??

    Any ideas?


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Sladestyle. Reason: fixed issue

    there has to be something messed up with your submenu.
    footer was part of that container – and does not come after it.

    but i think it is solved now because now everything is fine



    Thanks for your assistance here @Guenni007

    The links look the same color on all page on my end. please let us know if you have any questions.

    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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