Tagged: Cart, items, number, price, woocommerce
August 31, 2018 at 12:50 am #1003842
Hi Enfold Team,
I add the composite product module from woocommerce in order to build package. Everything works except the fact that when I had a pack the number above the cart icon indicate the price instaed of the number of items in my cart.
Can you help me ?
Thanks a lot,
September 1, 2018 at 11:13 am #1004303Hey Blue_Bear,
I looked into it and it’s not a theme issue. We use the woocommerce cart widget to display the cart items in the main menu. Normally the cart widget shows the number of items in a field called “quantity”. The html code then looks like:
<ul class="woocommerce-mini-cart cart_list product_list_widget "> <li class="woocommerce-mini-cart-item mini_cart_item"> <a href="https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold/cart/?remove_item=51174add1c52758f33d414ceaf3fe6ba&_wpnonce=6a85a5a0bd" class="remove" aria-label="Remove this item" data-product_id="2114" data-product_sku="W009">×</a> <a href="https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold/product/weber-one-touch-gold-premium-charcoal-grill-57cm/"> <img width="120" height="120" src="//kriesi.at/themes/enfold/wp-content/uploads/sites/37/2013/05/13-120x120.jpg" class="attachment-shop_thumbnail size-shop_thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="">Summer Trend </a> <span class="quantity">1 × <span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">£</span>225.00</span></span></li> </ul>
In your case the cart widget code (with a pack) looks like:
<ul class="woocommerce-mini-cart cart_list product_list_widget "> <li class="woocommerce-mini-cart-item mini_cart_item"> <a href="https://neo-peauapeau.com/panier/?remove_item=cd6f57c911180696a3e001f8a0b7d95d&_wpnonce=df2d4cec36" class="remove remove_from_cart_button" aria-label="Enlever cet élément" data-product_id="1122" data-cart_item_key="cd6f57c911180696a3e001f8a0b7d95d" data-product_sku="">×</a> <a href="https://neo-peauapeau.com/produit/pack-duo/?wccp_component_selection%5B1535655890%5D=519&wccp_component_selection%5B1535655891%5D=519&wccp_component_quantity%5B1535655890%5D=1&wccp_component_quantity%5B1535655891%5D=1&wccp_variation_id%5B1535655890%5D=595&wccp_variation_id%5B1535655891%5D=595&wccp_attribute_taille%5B1535655890%5D=l&wccp_attribute_taille%5B1535655891%5D=l&update-composite=cd6f57c911180696a3e001f8a0b7d95d"> <img width="300" height="300" src="https://i2.wp.com/neo-peauapeau.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/pack-duo.jpg?resize=300%2C300&ssl=1" class="attachment-woocommerce_thumbnail size-woocommerce_thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Pack Duo - Néo peau à peau"><small class="avia-copyright">Néo peau à peau</small>Pack duo × 1 </a> <span class="quantity"><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount">54,00<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span></span></span></li> </ul>
and the quantity number is missing.
I’d recommend to report this to the plugin developers. If they can provide a fix for the cart widget you can use Enfolder cart item counter.
If not I’d recommend to hide the counter with following css code:
#top #wrap_all .av-cart-counter.av-active-counter { display: none; }
Best regards,
DudeNovember 22, 2018 at 3:49 pm #1036570Thanks,
Sorry I didn’t answer back but you can close the ticket.
Best regards,
ClémentNovember 22, 2018 at 6:30 pm #1036681Hi Clément,
Glad we could help :)
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,
Victoria -
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