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  • #1462390

    Hey there,

    perhaps someone can help me.
    Rank Math shows me a notification:
    “Du solltest die Einstellungen der Titel & Meta-Seite und der Sitemap überprüfen.”
    “You should check the settings for the Title & Meta page and the Sitemap”

    What does this mean exactly, wat should I do or change?



    Sorry I forgot the most important part :D

    The Message is:

    “Rank Math hat einen neuen Beitragstyp erkannt: alb_elements. Du solltest die Einstellungen der Titel & Meta-Seite und der Sitemap überprüfen.”
    “Rank Math has detected a new post type: alb_elements. You should review the settings for the Title & Meta page and the Sitemap.”



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The plugin allows you to configure the title and meta for each post type in the Rank Math SEO > Titles & Meta panel. In version 6.0, Enfold added two custom post types called alb_elements and alb_custom_layout. If you want to remove these tabs, you can add the following code to your functions.php file:

    add_filter( 'rank_math/settings/title', function( $tabs) {
        return $tabs;

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    thanks for the answer!

    I don’t want to just remove the Message, I would like to understand what this two post types exaclty mean.
    Are they only important when i use a blog?

    How can I check if I already use them and need to change something in my Seo Settings?




    Thank you for the update.

    The new post types are for the Custom Layouts and the default elements in the builder. Did you try the filter above? Please check the links below for more information.


    Best regards,

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