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  • #899344

    Hello there,

    I have set up the contact form and from what I can see it is configured correctly. However, when testing the contact form I do not get any of the test messages.

    Can you suggest how to resolve this?

    This is so straight forward to setup, as I have on a otherf websites that use the same contact form, but this time I am at a loss as to why it is not working.

    Thank you


    Hey James,

    Have you contact your web host or checked your hosting settings. A lot of times mail delivery issues point to the the hosting configuration.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thank you so much for your quick response.

    I have since resolved the issue by using the short code for the contact form rather than the media element.

    Perhsps you could get your developers to look into that for future reference.



    I’m glad you were able to get this corrected, and thank you for sharing the solution. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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