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  • #358378

    as title. log in and view page titled HOME. I can’t seem to edit the 1/4 content boxes. default editor shows blank box but 487 word count…


    Hey juliankidd!

    Not sure what’s going on there. Try deleting all of the columns you see there and then save the page. If it saves fine then drag the columns over again and place textblocks inside and add the text once more to see if that fixes it.

    Best regards,


    Doesn’t change it. I created a whole new page, inserted short codes, then went to advanced layout… then went back to default and I can’t see the content anymore… I may just need to recreate the whole page via short codes if there is now fix. possible plugin conflict?


    deactivating all plugins did not help.

    I’d be happy to edit everything via default editor but I have a slider and testimonials as well as the columns to recreate – not so keen on that… plus it should work…

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by juliankidd.


    You can still copy the text in the columns and paste it somewhere safe. I would do that and then delete the page and recreate it.

    You can also try doing this,, to view the actual shortcodes that are being used there. They must have gotten corrupted somehow so deleting / recreating the page would be best.


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