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  • #806948

    I am having issues uploading fontello icon fonts via the IconFont manager. When I try to upload the zip file I am getting the following message:
    “Could not add the font because the server didn’t respond. Please try uploading again.”

    WP and theme are freshly installed and all updated, and I’m not using any plugins. Please let me know the fix to this- thanks!


    My email is below



    You can try to contact your host provider and ask about this problem.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik



    The problem isn’t with our host provider, as I can upload other content to the site. It is your theme’s icon uploader that is not working. Please resolve or refund our money. thanks.




    We are facing the exact problem.

    Hope you can fix this,



    Hi all,

    Please make sure with your hosting provider that your php has php-zip installed and get back to us.

    Best regards,

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