I have been a satisfied user of enfold since 2014.
My Purchase codes: e77e1dbe-9f18-4fb7-8735-35f5479ec567 – if necessary.
I would like to report this problem because it is a script error.
I need to use the MEC plugin (Modern Events Calendar by Wednus – https://webnus.net/modern-events-calendar) on my website – I searched for a suitable calendar plugin for a long time and decided on this one.
Unfortunately, MEC conflicts with Enfold + Woocommerce, monthly view in MEC plugin displaying incorrectly. I am attaching a printscreen. Only the monthly view is faulty, everything else works fine.
For testing purposes, I installed the Enfold and the MEC plugin on a brand new WP site (on a subdomain) – it works fine.
When I also installed Woocommerce, the monthly calendar view on the new website broke.
If I turn off Woocommerce, the monthly view works fine, if I turn back, falls apart again.
This was a “virgin” WP website.
But the MEC works with the WP base template even if I enable Woocommerce.
So there is a conflict with Enfold, between the MEC plugin and Woocommerce both.
– Base WP template + MEC + Woocommerce = works fine,
– Enfold + MEC = works fine,
– Enfold + MEC + Woocommerce = doesn’t work.
So, the error is in the Enfold.
I consulted MEC support, they said the problem is between Enfold and Woocommerce: “The Enfold theme likely includes scripts that conflict when both WooCommerce and MEC are enabled simultaneously.” – they wrote me.
Is it possible to fix this error?
Thank you.
Best regards,