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  • #1166592

    Hi Enfold button, please, could you remember me the right place to modify helper social media.php to set noindex of social button?
    Thanks in advance


    Hey nuncer,

    I’m not sure I understand you question, do you mean that you want to set the links to nofollow maybe?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard, excuse me for mistake, I means nofollow…



    Yes, open up wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/helper-social-media.php and replace:

    $this->html .= 		"<a {$blank} href='".$share['url']."' ".av_icon_string($icon)." title='' data-avia-related-tooltip='{$name}'><span class='avia_hidden_link_text'>{$name}</span></a>";

    with this:

    $this->html .= 		"<a {$blank} rel='nofollow' href='".$share['url']."' ".av_icon_string($icon)." title='' data-avia-related-tooltip='{$name}'><span class='avia_hidden_link_text'>{$name}</span></a>";

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan, thanks for your answer. My question is about social icon on the home page and “Share this post” icons. I created a folder named “Includes” in enfold-child; I copied file “helper-social-media.php” in and inserted rel nofollow (it’s quite different from your description):
    $this->html .= “<span class=’avia_hidden_link_text’>{$name}</span>”; $this->html .= ‘

    Modified in:
    “; $this->html .= “<span class=’avia_hidden_link_text’>{$name}</span>”; $this->html .= ‘‘;

    but doesn’t work, I see now “noopener noreferrer” on the social icon on the home with inspector and nothing on the “share this post” icons. Is possible to have “noopener nofollow”?
    Thanks again.


    Any advice?
    Thank you.


    Sorry for the late reply, to add rel='nofollow' to the social icons at the top of your page you will need to edit line 167 of \enfold\includes\helper-social-media.php
    look for:

    $html .=	"<a {$blank} {$aria_label} href='" . esc_url( $icon['social_icon_link'] ) . "' " . av_icon_string( $icon['social_icon'] ) . " title='{$display_name}'>";

    change to:

    $html .=	"<a {$blank} rel='nofollow' {$aria_label} href='" . esc_url( $icon['social_icon_link'] ) . "' " . av_icon_string( $icon['social_icon'] ) . " title='{$display_name}'>";

    To add the rel='nofollow' to the “Share this entry” at the bottom of your post edit line 436, look for:

    $this->html .=			"<a {$blank} {$aria_label} href='" . esc_url( $share['url'] ) . "' " . av_icon_string( $icon ) . " title='' data-avia-related-tooltip='{$name}'>";

    change to:

    $this->html .=			"<a {$blank} rel='nofollow' {$aria_label} href='" . esc_url( $share['url'] ) . "' " . av_icon_string( $icon ) . " title='' data-avia-related-tooltip='{$name}'>";

    But you can’t override a helper function inside a child theme. The override will only work for template files such as the header.php, loops, templates etc. So please make these changes to the parent theme.
    Please save a copy of your original file as a fallback.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, it works. Great!
    Thank you very much.
    Best regards.


    Hi nuncer,

    Glad we could help :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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