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  • #1418457

    I have a lot of topics unanswered and therefore not resolved. This is not the way to move on.
    So so dissatisfied!


    Hey Stilecatalini,
    Thanks you for your patience, I see that you have some threads that Yigit has tired to help with and said it was not possible, and you have a couple of threads that are out of our support scope, but we have not closed them should someone have an idea on how to achieve what you ask, sometimes other users had good ideas for helping also.
    Please reframe from opeing threads that don’t have a question, and please note that each time you “bump” a thread it moves it back to the bottom of the list, that is each time you add a comment like “please check” or “hello” you move out of the queue, Thank you for your patience and understanding and for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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