Dear Sir,
Please can you help? I have two questions:
1) On this webpage :
I’ve inserted an image into a Full Screen Slider 1366 x 350
I’ve clicked the option “No scaling” – but the image it getting stretched outside the boundaries of the screen.
Any ideas what I can do to fix this? I’ve tried everything to fix it but I can’t. The image keeps getting stretched horizontally outside the boundaries.
2) What dimension width would you recommend I create the sliders so they are a good quality?
Thanks so much for any help.
Hey DharmavajraDesign,
Thank you for using Enfold.
1.) Did you replace it with a fullwidth easy slider? Please create a test page with the full screen slider so that we can see the issue. A screenshot will help.
2.) Please consider the standard screen resolution use nowadays.
Best regards,