In email subject row “Din order {order_number }från Ipscbutiken behandlas” The space look suspicious.. but where can I change this..
Hey butiken_ipsc,
Those are the emails generated from the WooCommerce. You can either edit them from the email tpl folder OR you can install a WooCommerce plugin that customize emails.
Best regards,
Hello Basilis! Thank you for reaching out!
Just to make sure there is no wrong in the email body, just the subject line, I have never edited email files, or used a plugin.
Also the admin mails are correct in the subject line.
I looked at the class-wc-email-customer-processing-order.php and to me it looks ok at least no suspicious ‘space’ after number in {order_number }
But guess this is not an Enfold theme issue, strange error..
=/ Found it!
Human error in WooCommerce/email/Settings
Error when translating email subject line, short code field.. my bad.
Thank you
I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon