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  • #1396034

    I’m using the latest version of Enfold 5.4 with WP 6.1.1 and it no longer shows a sidebar on blog posts (on the right). Furthermore, the burger menu at the top is without function, it also does not respond click. What is wrong here?

    Also, when WP-Rocket is active, an Error is generated and the display is crushed.

    Many thanks and greetings


    Hey Michael,

    Please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately so we can look into it.

    Best regards,

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    Hi Michael,

    Appearance > Theme Editor is disabled on your installation so I could not check the files on your child theme but the issue might be related to the modified files on your child theme. Please temporarily switch to Enfold parent theme and check if that helps.


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    Thank you for the info.

    The single post page in your installation looks broken — the markup for the sidebar and footer containers are missing. Have you tried disabling the plugins temporarily? You should also try and disable the modifications in the functions.php file temporarily, see if there are any conflicts there.

    Best regards,

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    There are some changes in the latest version, but they should not affect the sidebar of the posts. We cannot reproduce the same issue on our installation, so it is possible that one of the modifications or one of the plugins in your site is causing the issue.

    Best regards,

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    you write “category pages” but I mean “single entries”!

    Sorry about that. We actually meant single entries and corrected our reply above. Is there a staging or development version of the site? We would like to disable the plugins temporarily and completely remove the modifications while testing.

    Best regards,

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    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Michael,

    Great, I’m glad that you found the problem, and thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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