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  • #413002

    I copy and paste the link to a blog post in the linkedin text box.
    Nothing shows up.
    I’ve tried installing the WordPress SEO plugin and activated the “Add Open Graph meta data” option.
    Any help?


    Hey emilgandersson!

    It says they use the open graph meta tags in their documentation,

    Send us a link to your page and we’ll check to see if the tags are being set correctly. Make sure your post has a featured image set as well.


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    I see the meta tag but it’s grabbing an image that is not your featured image. Try editing the post and in the SEO settings hit the “Social” tab and set the image manually for the post. It says facebook but it will work for any service that uses the open graph meta tags.

    Add this to your custom CSS to remove the post meta from your single post view.

    .single .post-meta-infos { display: none !important; }


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