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  • #277411

    I need several blank pages – which allows to start the design really on top of the page
    like this one:
    how can i do that?

    best regards – tom


    Hey Tom!

    You can set that here:

    Best regards,


    hello josue,
    yes, i’m aware that page attributes and i tested it before.
    unfortunately it doesn’t work. the design (for example the layer-slider) starts after 200px whitespace.

    here you can see, what i mean:

    thank you so much for some solution



    I’m not seeing those 200px you say but try adding this to the Quick CSS:

    #top.avia-blank #wrap_all {
        display: block !important;

    Best regards,


    hello josue,
    thanx for your support – but there is a misunderstanding.
    please, look at my “home”, there is the logo and the menu over the layerslider .

    but now, i want to create a landingpage, where the menu and the logo is replaced by the banner. the banner should start at top of the window and there shoud be no whitespace at the start like this:
    pleas enlarge your window to see it – the layerslider will appear in the middle of the window

    finally i need some pages on my homepage with header (menu) and footerarea and some without them.
    is this possible?


    for example this special website:

    with best regards – tom



    Yes, i see it. That’s happening because the container is aligned middle, if you add the code i suggested it should look like this:



    hi josue, thanx a lot – it works great – tom


    You are welcome, always glad to help :)


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