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  • #1132089


    On the news overview page no excepts showing, although I’ve activated the settings ‘excerpt with read more link’ and I’ve added a ‘read more’ in the blog text. Only the title, header visual and read more button shows up.

    How can this issue be fixed?



    Hey michielschoonhoven,

    Thanks for the details, though I’m unable to login for some reason. The login page just reloads and I get no error messages.

    About your problem; did you create your posts using the Layout Builder? If so then you need to set the excerpt manually in the excerpt field. If you don’t see it then please select to show it under Screen Options in the top right hand corner of the edit screen.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Rikard,
    Yes I’m using the Layout Builder for the posts and manually added a ‘Read more’ part in the text of the post (<!–more–>). but this didn’t solved the problem. Where can I see ‘Screen Options’, I don’t see it in the top right corner of the edit screen. Hope you can help me out solving this.

    Strange you can’t login, I’m able to login with these credentials (even if I’m in the plane right now).



    Hi Michiel,

    Thanks for the update, are you using the WordPress block editor? If so then please try switching to the Classic Editor in the main page of the theme options. You will see Screen Options in the top right hand corner when you edit posts after that.

    Best regards,

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