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  • #1306811


    I’d like to use the custom element feature, but it’s not available to me.

    I followed the instructions from this page:

    1. I am using a child theme.
    2. I added this code to my functions.php file add_theme_support( 'show_advanced_custom_element_options' );
    3. My enfold version is 5.1: “No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (5.1)”
    4. In the screenshots, I see it should be below the “Layout builder” in the side menu, above “Blog layout”, but it’s not anywhere in the side menu.

    Thank you.


    Hey Ben,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    Is it possible that you are using Enfold 4.5.1 as the latest version of Enfold is currently 4.8.3? :)

    Please refer to this post – and update Enfold to the latest version and you should be able to enable Custom Elements in Enfold theme options :)

    Best regards,

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