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  • #1221368

    Hello people,
    I recently bought the Enfold theme and since then I am experiencing problems in WordPress, where I cannot access any options within the Theme Options menu, the same General Layout screen appears which I also cannot edit. Can you tell me what’s going on?

    Thank you,


    Hi maria_96,

    Can you try to re-install Enfold via FTP?
    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,



    I did as informed, but it didn’t work. What would be the next step?


    Hi maria_96,

    Thanks for giving us admin access.
    There are a lot of errors in the web console, but it’s hard to troubleshoot in the Dashboard.
    Can you give us FTP access on it as well?

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    Of course, leave in the private content or access.

    Thank you in advance,


    Hi Maria,

    The FTP access, returns this when I tried to access:

    Response:	550 PWD: Permission denied
    Error:	Failed to retrieve directory listing

    But I was able to install WP File Manager.
    What I found out was this isn’t an Enfold issue but most likely either WordPress or maybe Server issue.
    This wordpress function get_template_directory_uri() is returning this:

    instead of:

    You can get the same results even when using the twentytwenty theme which is a default wordpress theme.
    Though I have checked the get_template_directory_uri() function and it’s identical to what I have.
    Also, I noticed trying to use Diagnóstico e resolução de problemas plugin to attempt to diagnose issues would take a lot of attempts before it does work, so I’m not sure if it’s a server issue.
    Maybe restarting the server through switching to another PHP version should help, can you try to switch to PHP 7.2?

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    I entered the WP today to check and apparently returned to normal, the only problem is the icons are still broken. Does it have to do with PHP too? In this case, I use Font: entypo-fontello.


    Hi maria_96,

    I apologize I wasn’t able to mention but the reason it’s fixed is because I have replaced this code in enfold > framework > php > class-superobject.php (line 326-327):

    echo "    avia_framework_globals.frameworkUrl = '".AVIA_FW_URL."';\n";
    echo "    avia_framework_globals.installedAt = '".AVIA_BASE_URL."';\n";


    echo "    avia_framework_globals.frameworkUrl = '".preg_replace('/\s+/', '', AVIA_FW_URL)."';\n";
    echo "    avia_framework_globals.installedAt = '".preg_replace('/\s+/', '', AVIA_BASE_URL)."';\n";

    which basically fixes the problem I mentioned above but this is only a temporary solution and would be lost during a theme update. :(

    Best regards,


    Hello Nikko,

    But in that case I can continue using it right? Then in the next update you will have fixed this bug and I will not have any more problems or not?


    Hi maria_96,

    Yes, you can continue using it, however, this issue isn’t in the Enfold theme so we can’t fix it in the theme.
    Even with the default WordPress theme, this problem also shows.
    Can you try to re-install WordPress? make sure to have a backup.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    I apologize for the delay, I had not received the email with the reply previously. I reinstalled as mentioned, but, I still have the same problem.


    Hi maria_96,

    No worries, I have checked it again and can still get the same results as I previously stated.
    I would suggest moving to a different server/webhost.

    Best regards,



    I contacted the host, but their response was that the insertion of settings in nginx.conf unfortunately cannot be done because it changes the structure they have already used with other customers. So I got in touch with another professional who made settings on the server + settings from the website’s .htaccess file and the icons reappeared!

    Thanks for the support!



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    Yes, you can close! Thanks :)


    Hi maria_96,

    Great :)

    We are closing the thread.

    If you need further assistance please let us know in a new one.

    Best regards,

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