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  • #600915

    Recently purchased enfold for a project I am working on. Not really sure what is happening, or if I can explain the issue correctly… But it appears as though ninja forms add-on “conditional logic” doesn’t work on a onepage enfold site when added to a text box as a shortcode. The shortcode added to the text block does display the form correctly on the front end. However, the conditional logic part does not work. I have statements that should hide or show form sections based on how you answered earlier parts of the form. Pretty sure it just puts each form question within it’s own div and then shows or hides that div based on how the form is answered.

    From ninja forms section in the dashboard if I just preview the form, it works fine, but it’s also not being displayed inside the page builder inside other nested divs and whatnot at that point, so it’s hard to tell exactly what the issue is…

    So in a nutshell, on the actual live enfold site, none of the conditional logic does anything, so answering a question that should reveal more questions does nothing, and none of the additional hidden form questions are revealed.

    I understand that this is a third party plugin and not supported, but I’m not sure who else to ask since the conditional logic part works just not on the frontend within enfold you know? If it didn’t work at all I’d gladly ask the ninja forms folks.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    @xmashiara – Have you tried disabling all of your plugins except any Ninja-form related plugins? If you do that and the Conditional Logic works, you could then enable each plugin one by one until you find the culprit.


    I have tried to do that and it makes no difference unfortunately. Only additional plugins I had running were listed below.


    When I use Enfold, I uninstall all themes except Enfold and Enfold Child. If you happen to have another theme installed (or are willing to install another one), perhaps you could try just flipping to a non-Enfold theme temporarily. After testing, then flip back to Enfold.


    I delete all unused themes and plugins too. I prefer to run a clean ship. If are suggesting I switch to another theme, will the page content I have already setup be effected?

    Happy to try something basic like the default wp 2016 theme if you’d like me to, just don’t want to lose what I’ve already setup.


    Sounds like you’ve done enough development that I would defer to Enfold support re: the temporary switch. Do you have a test environment? If not, you can be up and running a test environment within a few minutes using InstantWP.

    I use InstantWP locally and then I have an online test environment that Enfold can connect to.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by WP Turned UP.

    I’ll setup InstantWP this evening. I run bootcamp with Windows on my Macbook Pro for my day job, and run OSx at night for site development and media creation. I haven’t run InstantWP for a while, and it looks like it’s Windows only is that correct? Is there an easy setup for Macs these days? (If I recall correctly, it’s a bit more involved and requires MAMP on mac to setup a local version.) I just prefer to work in OSx since that’s where coda 2 lives.

    Regardless I will backup the content and migrate it locally then reach back out once setup.


    I’ve tried other local dev environments, but I got tired of fighting all of the different elements. InstantWP just works and I believe it is just for Windows. Never tried anything on the MAC OS side.


    Ok, I got the site backed up locally. The other thing I noticed was that when the conditional logic plugin is enabled, the countdown timer at the top stops working as well. Not sure why that is… :/

    FYI, on the Mac side, Bitnami Mamp Stacks is where it’s at. Simple PHP(PHPMyadmin), Apache & Mysql setup in two clicks. Created the db, imported the modified exported sql, updated config and dumped the files in a directory.

    Pretty straight forward, would highly recommend it. Can run multiple sites simultaneously and whatnot.

    What do I need to do to get in touch with Enfold support at this point? I’d prefer not to nuke the live site if at all possible. But having a local backup live and running does make things a lot easier should anything go awry.


    How do I reach out to the dev team?



    Thank you for using Enfold. And sorry for the delay.

    Note that by replying to your own thread, it will push it back to the end of the queue and we won’t be able to provide an answer immediately. Could you please provide a step by step instruction on how we can reproduce the issue? Which of the fields should be hidden?

    Opening a new ticket in the ninja forms support forum will greatly help.




    Ticket closed, conversation here:


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