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  • #751097


    I am running NextGEN on an Enfold site. This site includes a large gallery, which is handled by NextGEN Plus.
    I’ve read your thread:
    Maybe you should update this article/informations as there aren’t any advanced settings (I think it should be custom field now, but there are few more options – hopefully I made everything correct). Now my problem:
    If I am using as Lightbox effect FancyBox via NextGEN some pictures (especially when their size is different to the others beside) are displaying twice: see first imgur in private
    If I am adding your code class='lightbox' rel='prettyPhoto[%GALLERY_NAME%]' to the code field in custom drop down menu this problem disappears, but:
    On mobile the images in the box are loading much slower than before and their names are displayed whereas this is disabled in the NextGEN gallery (with fancybox there were also no image titles shown):
    see second imgur in private

    Thanks for your help :)

    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by timahe. Reason: forgot private content

    Hey Tima,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    It’s displaying the theme’s default lightbox. Disable the “Lightbox Modal Window” option in the Enfold > Theme Options panel.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I understand this. But somewhere else on this site I am running a simple ENFOLD Masonry Gallery. If I would turn off the Lightbox Modal Window in whole theme I think this would mean my lightbox would disappear there?



    Yes, unfortunately, it will disable the lightbox entirely. If you want to disable the lightbox on a specific page, please use the following filter.

    add_filter( 'body_class', function( $classes ) {
    	if(is_page(13)) {
    		$classes = array_merge( $classes, array( 'noLightbox' ) );
        return $classes;

    Change the id in the is_page function. Don’t forget to re-enable the “Lightbox Modal Window” option.

    Best regards,


    Ok thanks but in which file should I add the filter?



    Please add it in the functions.php file. More info regarding the is_page conditional function.




    Hi Ismael,

    I turned off enfold lightbox for the page and changed to Pro Lightbox in NextGen settings (so we have social media buttons, comments on pictures etc.). Everything worked fine on high-resolution displays but then there occured a big problem: On smaller displays (e.g. Surface Pro 3 using chrome [firefox and edge working!!] and my iPhone) this error gets displayed when I am opening an image:
    ‘fatal error: could not extract a stage height from CSS. Traced height: 0px’
    After some research I found several users using enfold with the same problem (if I switch to standard theme everything works great; on enfold support forums I was able to find 2 threads about this). The only working solution (I was able to find) was this:
    – turn off enfold lightbox in the whole theme
    – add ‘height: 100%’ at .galleria-theme-nextgen_pro_lightbox .galleria-stage in this file: /wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery-plus/modules/nextgen_pro_lightbox/static/theme/galleria.nextgen_pro_lightbox.css
    Solution found here:
    Well, if anything would work now it would be great and yeah everything is still fine on big displays but I think the solution caused the following problem:
    – on mobile displays not the full picture gets displayed (there is some kind of ‘zoom’ into the picture)
    – using chrome on my surface the image does not get scaled and centered correctly. I display comments initially as without the user might not see the function (more detailed screenshot you can see in private content).

    Could you tell me whats going wrong? How can I fix this? We are in urgent need of this function.
    The edited block with height 100% looks like this at the moment:
    .galleria-theme-nextgen_pro_lightbox .galleria-stage {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    height: 100%;
    Should I edit something more in here?



    I’m sorry but we don’t provide support for third party plugins as stated on support policy. Please contact the plugin author for more info regarding the issue. Or try the following css code:

    .template-page {
        min-height: 500px;


    Best regards,

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