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  • #966613


    We use for an project the newsletter and your contact form.

    Is it possible to include a reference to the privacy policy when the user logs in to the newsletter?

    And if someone uses the contact form, it would be helpful if there is a chance to sign up for the newsletter
    include the privacy button.

    Thanks your for helping me.



    Hey VINCEND,

    Can you please describe the flow? The user logs in to the MailChimp newsletter and you want to have the link to
    your website privacy policy there?

    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria,

    Yes this is excatly the problem.
    The user logs in to the newsletter and in the same time he can
    choose the option privacy policy.

    This is important just now cause of the dsvgo.




    We are going to add one more update that will be released on the new version.
    We do hope that this will work.

    Best regards,

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