Tagged: help
July 3, 2013 at 12:40 pm #25701
I created a thread the other day at but it was closed for replies before I could implement the suggestions. I had a few issues (1-4), and also have a few more questions (5-)… hope you can help.
1. The more tag does not work in the home page news slider :( The avia slider seems to be cutting the text off on it’s own accord. Any tips appreciated!
2. Had to use
#top .avia-post-nav {
display: none;
but that worked a treat, thanks. It’d be nice for page optimisation to prevent it from being generated, though…
3. I added the new twitter code, but im getting padding at the top of it and lots of padding at the bottom. Any ideas how to pack this up?
4. OK – may be the same issue above.
5. New question. I have a problem with the single blog post with sidebar. If I enable the sidebar, I get a nice single post view with a left aligned image and text to the right. The problem is, the sidebar, even though configured for left, shows up on a product page in the woocommerce store. I don’t want a sidebar anywhere really, but if I disable it the single blog post view gives a centered image with text underneath that I don’t like the look of. Any ideas?
6. New question. Is there a way to set the height of rows in each column of the multi-column table so they are all the same?
7. New question. What’s the easiest way to get a set of social icons in the footer?
8. New question. With a browser width of ~1024px, the action icon links on the Team Member elements at wrap around rather than pop underneath (this happens if you shrink the browser a little further). Any ideas?
July 4, 2013 at 3:05 pm #127895Hello
Did you ever get a reply for this? I could really do with knowing the answer to:
“Is there a way to set the height of rows in each column of the multi-column table so they are all the same?”
July 4, 2013 at 11:04 pm #127896No :-(
July 5, 2013 at 6:28 am #127897Hi,
1.) Is this the Post slider? Download Enfold 1.7, you can select more options for “Title and Excerpt”.
2.) Glad you figure this out.
3.) You’re twitter widget looks ok.
4.) – – – –
5.) You can create a New Shop Page, select “No sidebar”, insert the woocommerce shortcodes. Select this page as the default shop page on Woocommerece > Settings > Pages > Shop Base Page.
6.) You can set a minimum height on your custom.css or Quick CSS
.pricing-table li {
min-height: 80px;
}7.) Edit footer.php, find this code
<span class='copyright'><?php echo $copyright . $kriesi_at_backlink; ?></span>
Replace it with:
<span class='copyright'><?php echo $copyright . $kriesi_at_backlink; ?></span>
<?php $social_args = array('outside'=>'ul', 'inside'=>'li', 'append' => ''); avia_social_media_icons($social_args); ?>8.) Please give us a screenshot because I can’t see the issue. Thanks.
July 5, 2013 at 9:51 am #127898Hmm.
1. I am running 1.7. There are no options in the Blog Posts widget that give any more words. http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/4070/apov.jpg
3. There is a huge amount of padding below the twitter widget before the Youtube widget. This makes the footer higher than it needs to be. I would like some help fixing this please.
5. You have misunderstood the problem. I want to get the blog post in ‘sidebar’ mode, without showing the sidebar. See http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/1913/r8bh.jpg
6. Thanks. However, this seems to have broken the height of the header rows?
7. Can this be done without editing theme files? I want to be able to upgrade the theme freely without overwriting hacked in customisations and breaking my site.
8. The page is using ‘staff member’ ui elements to show each logo. The icon overlays on the logo do not wrap properly at 1024px browser width. See http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/606/5hi7.jpg
Thanks for your help!
July 6, 2013 at 9:18 pm #127899Hi Jason,
1) I think Ismael thought you meant something else but no there is no current option for changing the excerpt amount. It has been put in as a feature request but right now you would need to modify the shortcode code in order to do that.
3) You can remove the padding from the bottom of the first widget and the top of the second with:
#footer #youtubechannelgallery_widget-2 {
margin-top: 0;
#footer #text-3 {
margin-bottom: 0px;
}There is still some spacing but its from the widget contents themselves.
5) This isn’t easily doable. You would need to have a freelance developer create a custom template for your single posts to re-create the sidebar layout without an actual sidebar.
6) You could set a smaller min height specifically for the header rows if you don’t like the effect overall:
.pricing-table .avia-heading-row {
min-height: 30px;
}7) No. You would need to either create a child theme which would at this point mean re-setting up all the theme options or just re-modify the file after each update.
8) try:
@media only screen and (min-width: 990px) and (max-width: 1140px) {
.team-social-inner {
top: 20%;
July 8, 2013 at 12:29 pm #127900Thanks heaps for 3, 6 and 8. They worked great.
A bit of a bummer around 1, 5 and 7 :(
Is there anything simple I could do with sidebar.php or single.php to fix #5? I can live without social icons, and hopefully the feature gets added to alter news item height, but the sidebar issue is a huge pain.
I guess I could force a blank sidebar on the single blog page or something like this?
July 9, 2013 at 8:08 pm #127901You could try something like:
#top.single-post #main .sidebar {
display: none;
}But its a visual hack so the content is just removed from view.
July 17, 2013 at 12:30 pm #127902Thanks for the reply :)
I have noticed one other issue. When using some browser sizes, the nav either appears in the wrong place, or disappears altogether. Any thoughts?
July 18, 2013 at 8:02 pm #127903Hi,
Please add an empty index.html file to every folder on your server or set your server to have non browsable directories because you are keeping a lot of stuff on there like all your zip files that are accessible by anybody in the /~jxxxx/theme folder.
Please update to the last version of the theme. Have you made any changes to remove the menu between 768-989 screen size? When you update this will go away. If not you can use this to show the mobile menu at that screen size:
@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px)
.responsive .mobile_menu_tablet .main_menu {
display: block;
}Dont forget to protect your directories with index.html please.
July 22, 2013 at 12:19 pm #127904Howdy,
Thanks, tidied that up. Can you please remove the direct links to the site from my previous posts? Images are fine (I can fix those later). If you could also fix up https://kriesi.at/support/topic/newbie-looking-for-a-little-help#post-122164 that’d be great.
Back on the nav issue — I updated to the latest version of the theme, and it does not fix this issue. The issue also occurs with multiple browsers. Are you sure I have to add custom code to get this to work? Shouldn’t it be fixed in the theme?
July 22, 2013 at 5:38 pm #127905Hi,
I removed the links, actually i got it from the images, didnt notice links.
You need to download the latest version. This works fine out of the box. You must have modified something that killed or blocked part of the code because first time i am seeing something like this. In either case you will need to download a fresh theme and you can use http://www.winmerge.org to compare the folder of the update to the folder where you have the current theme you are using and you will be shown all the differences between the two on a line by line basis. This way you can isolate where the edit took place.and fix it
July 23, 2013 at 12:25 am #127906Thanks. Can you also clean up my old thread, https://kriesi.at/support/topic/newbie-looking-for-a-little-help#post-122164 ?
I had not edited any files in the theme (this is deliberate, for easy upgrades). I just deleted the whole enfold folder and extracted 1.8.2 (I already had done 1.8 a few days ago). Problem is still there. I have only added the custom css described in this thread, so are you sure it does not occur in the base theme? As in the screenshots, I am using the drop down not the icon menu.
July 23, 2013 at 6:03 am #127907Hi,
I visited your site ht tp://flop side.tech core.com.au/~jbolger/word press/, the menu looks ok. I tested it on this site and the you can see that the menu looks fine. http://responsinator.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fflopside.techcore.com.au%2F~jbolger%2Fwordpress%2F
July 23, 2013 at 12:42 pm #127908Err… Did you see my screenshot? Please size your browser window to 1024x768px, then grab the right frame and drag in slowly, watching the menu. You will notice the menu disappear right away, then the drop down appear in the wrong location, then disappear altogether, before re-appearing closer to 800px.
I have another question also. As you can see, that slider looks a bit crappy on Mobile sites in Portrait. Any ideas on how to make it scale a bit better?
July 25, 2013 at 4:47 am #127909Hi Jason,
No, I’m not getting that behavior when viewing the site right now.
As for the slideshow there isn’t really anything that can be done on our end. Its user created and designed and scales according to the settings on the individual slide. So using percentages for items or using images instead of text is the best advice we can give to improve the look of things.
July 26, 2013 at 2:40 am #127910Hi,
Something is weird with you setup. It crashed my chrome dev tools every single time and chrome tab as well. Never seen that before. You have a few display:none related to menu in your Quick CSS. Can you take them out please.
What specific device are you customizing for right now? Because dragging the screen on a desktop only tells you what doesn’t work for people who drag screens on desktops. But if there is no mobile device that has that screen size, then you are optimizing the size for only window draggers.
July 31, 2013 at 11:04 am #127911Sorry for the slow reply.
I am trying to fix rendering on the iPad Mini. See http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3269/or2g.jpg (sorry for the lack of screenshot, not my device).
I will try disabling the Quick CSS and report back.
July 31, 2013 at 11:57 am #127912As I suspected, removing the Quick CSS (which were mostly suggested in this thread) did not change the behavior.
If you are testing for this bug on another installation, please make sure you set the ‘Responsive Header Main Menu’ to Dropdown. The bug only occurs with a dropdown menu.
To be clear, it *does* impact a device.
August 1, 2013 at 11:16 am #127913Hi,
I tried 3 installs on 3 different servers and was unable to reproduce this. If you want I can login and set it up so that it would work, but all I will do is reinstall wordpress, the theme, reset the database, and delete all the non essential plugins. At that point you need to test everything taken out as you put it back until something will cause this event. My email is usjahm (at) gmail (dot) com and please reference this post if you decide to accept my offer .
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