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  • #339923


    Just noticed that after the new v3.0.2 update Yoast SEO no longer sees the contend on pages built with the template builder. Under the SEO General tab Yoast reports the following: Content: Content Analysis disabled since it does not work with complex layout building tools.

    In addition, under the SEO Page Analysis tab, Yoast no longer sees the keyword in the headings and also in the body. It still counts the words but for some reason cannot see the keyword.

    As a result, the last few days I have seen some pages of my site to display the page’s URL as the title on the Google results instead of the page’s title that is set on SEO.

    Everything was working perfect up until the v2.8.1 update and then it seems that Enfold has become very SEO unfriendly with many compatibilities with both Yoast & All In One SEO plugins.

    Can you please check this and advice? Is this SEO issue going to be soon fixed? My site had been on the top 3 search results for the past 8 or so years for most of my keywords up until the 2.9 update when all of a sudden it started falling between the 2nd and 4th page.

    I love the way that my site looks and thankfully I haven’t experienced almost any of the issues that I read here after updates, but at the end of the day it’s a business site and I cannot afford it when it’s not on the top of the search results because of the latest SEO issues.

    Please advice,


    Hey sdbroker!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Aside from additional options and elements on the advance layout builder, the system is unchanged. We would like to see the actual website. Please post it here. Make sure that you’re running Enfold 3.0.2 and the latest version of the plugin.


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    On which page is this happening? I checked this page (http://www.allsandiegocondos.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=2&action=edit#wpseo_linkdex) but I don’t see the Content Analysis disabled. It is using the advance layout builder.

    Kriesi is referring to the temporary fix that we provided on the old version of Yoast. Do you have this code on your functions.php?

    function avia_remove_yoast_filter()
        remove_filter('wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content','avia_wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content_fix', 10, 1);
        remove_filter('wpseo_video_index_content','avia_wpseo_video_content_fix', 10, 2);



    Hi there,

    Just new to Enfold. It looks like I am having a similar issue.
    WP SEO by Yoast does not “unfold” on any page where I am using the theme layout builder. It does not give me the option to update key work, meta description or anything else.

    Unfortunately I am using the builder on my homepage and I absolutely need to update the meta description as my website still shows “under construction.
    I have been using SEO by Yoast with another theme on another website without any issue. There is definitely an uncompatibility between SEO by Yoast and Enfold.
    This plugin is so valuable that I need to find a way to make it work.
    Could you please help?

    Here is my page. I will send you my WP log in details in private message.

    Thank you.


    my WP access in private message:

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by valmil.
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    Thank you for the screenshot. I can’t reproduce the issue on my installation. Whenever I enter a focus keyword, it returns Yes plus the keyword instance number. The note below the warning says that search engines can still fetch the content of the site so there’s no reason why it will affect the SEO rankings. Anyway, we’re not SEO gurus so I’m still not sure why the warning occurs in the first place. I’ll ask Kriesi to take a look. If possible, please post a ticket on the WordPress SEO forum. Any info regarding the issue that they can throw at us will definitely help.



    The warning occurs because I have added it to the template builder. The problem is that there is no way for the SEO plugin to properly fetch the content of the advanced layout builder. That does not mean that the plugin does not work with the theme. It just means that it can’t tell you right away in your backend about the content that has been used. Basically all that is disabled is counting the number of keywords in your backend and showing it to you.

    It will work fine in the frontend and google will see every bit of content as well as the enhancements provided by the SEO plugin :)


    PS: If that wasn’t clear: thats a message we display on purpose. Its a feature not a bug. If we wouldn’t do that you would always see a zero.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Kriesi.

    Hi Kriesi,

    Thank you for the reply! I can see that the warning was manually added to the wpseo-mod.js file and I understand why you did this.

    The problem that I have is that up until the Enfold version 2.8.1 the theme and Yoast SEO plugin were working perfectly fine together. The plugin could in fact see all keywords within a page built with the advanced layout builder. The problems started with the theme’s v2.9 update and got really bad on this latest 3.0.2 update.

    By looking at certain keyword results performance in google, I can tell you with certainty that the front end also has a big issue with the keywords on pages built with the ALB. As I mention above, my site was top 3 on google for it’s main keywords for over 8 years and lasted up until the theme’s v2.8.1. It started slipping to the bottom of the first page after the 2.9 update and right after the 3.0.2 update it dropped to the 3rd and 4th page.

    What’s the point of using the Yoast plugin if we cannot use it’s extremely valuable page analysis for the selected keywords on content built with ALB and what’s the point of using Enfold to built a very nice looking site when the site cannot easily be found on google?

    Is there a way that I can go back on using the 2.8.1 version of Enfold when everything was working right without also having to downgrade the 4.0 version of WP? This latest 3.0.2 version of the theme has made it a liability for my business.

    Thank you,



    There are several reason I cant really believe that the theme update is responsible for you rank change. First of all: the frontend output has not changed a bit. Your source code looks the same with version 2.8 and 3.0.2. I can tell that because there is not a single template file that was changed and the template builder elements have changed only marginally (an extra div, or an extra class), certainly nothing that would cause google to kill your rank.

    I am also running enfold on several sites (eg: kriesi.at ) and our rank has not changed a bit. I think its more likely that you might be affected by one of the recent google search engine changes.

    It might be that the theme has worked better with yoast plugin in previous versions, but my guess is that somewhere in the last months they have changed something as well, because when I look at how the content keyword count in the backend currently works (a javascript counter that does not track the field where enfold saves the output of the template builder) its pretty much impossible that it would have ever worked with this way. So my guess is that not only Enfold has changed but the SEO plugin as well.



    Hi guys,

    Kriesi- thanks for adding the warning message, it helps! At least we are aware of it- better than not understanding what is going on!

    Since I wrote my first message, now SEO by Yoast “unfold” on the pages and at least I could change the meta description in there which I could not do before- not sure if one of you has done something here- but if you did thanks ;-)

    However to sdbroker point “What’s the point of using the Yoast plugin if we cannot use it’s extremely valuable page analysis for the selected keywords on content built with ALB”.
    It is a quite annoying not to have full integration. I fully understand it works at the frontend but the point of SEO by Yoast is to help you to analyse very fast what you are missing. Seeing the SEO indicator red or orange on the page doesn’t help me to adjust the words on the page if it does not work with your ALB…
    I have been working with SEO by Yoast for a while now and it is a great tool. I am not a developer and it makes my life much (much much) easier! I wish you could find a way around to make it work with the advanced layout builder…

    Thank you.



    Hey Val!

    Its something that I hope to add again in the future, but right now I had to remove any kind of deep integration because it caused more problems than it solved (especially if there were 2 or more big plugins like woocommerce, yoast seo and WPML invloved)


    Ok I get it. I see what you mean about WPML …just moving away from them to go to multi sites (too messy unfortunately).
    As I will be using Enfold with woocommerce at a second stage I’d rather woocommerce than Yoast to work for now :-)


    Hi Kriesi,

    I agree with you 100% that during the past few months both Enfold and the Yoast plugin have had changes in the code that have caused all these issues.

    As it is today though disabling some of the Yoast plugin’s features because of it so other plugins such as WPML & Woocommerce work, I think that it is a huge disservice to many of the 40,000 clients who use Enfold without WPML and woocommerce.

    I really, really like Enfold and how easy it is to create a beautiful site with this theme, but as I said it doesn’t help me rank the site if I cannot use Yoast’s SEO plugin’s main feature (keyword analysis) in pages built with ALB.

    Enfold is one of the best selling WP themes so please consider working with the Yoast team to solve these issues prior to adding any new features in the upcoming updates. What can we do with the new features when old ones break and are taken away in favor of having other feature work?

    Thank you for your attention on this issue. Looking forward to hearing back that you found a solution to make Enfold fully compatible with the most widely used SEO plugin.



    Is there a temporary fix for this? I am having an issue getting Avia Page Builder to load when WP SEO is enabled.


    Hey Guys!

    I think I was able to improve compatibility so the content checker of the plugin should now find at least all content that is added in content areas (eg: textblock, the description in iconboxes and tabs and toggles etc)

    We will release this update (version 3.03) during the next few days.

    Best regards,

    PS: @matthewwoodard: since your issue is probably not related to this thread: please make sure that you run the latest versions of wordpress, the theme and the plugin. If the issues persists feel free to open up a new thread ;)

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